Nov 27 2020
The United States earlier this week deployed several nuclear-capable heavy bombers to the Middle East in an apparent threat to Iran, amid swirling speculation that US President Donald Trump plans to take military action against Tehran before leaving office in January 2021.
Tehran, Nov 27, IRNA – Head of Research and Innovation Organization of the Ministry of Defense Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was assassinated by terrorists in a terrorist attack near Tehran on Friday. During the conflict, the security team protecting Iranian scientists were also injured and transferred to hospital. Iranian Defense Ministry in a statement condoled with Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei and the Iranian nation over the unfair assassination of a committed manager and an expert.
Nov 26 2020
Israel and Saudi Arabia see the next two months as the last chance they will have to knock out Iran's nuclear capability and its plans to be the dominant power in the Middle East. The United States earlier this week deployed several nuclear-capable heavy bombers to the Middle East in an apparent threat to Iran, amid swirling speculation that US President Donald Trump plans to take military action against Tehran before leaving office in January 2021. The bombers were seen flying in Israel airspace. Yesterday, The Times of Israel reported, Israel Defence Force, IDF was preparing in case Trump launches parting strike on Iran Israeli officials believe final weeks of Trump administration will be ‘very sensitive’ for the region, though there is no specific intel on looming US attack on nuclear facilities.
I'm personally not into politics but the relief showed yesterday by world leaders and citizens alike after Joe Biden was unofficially announced, President-Elect was symbolic, it felt as if our planet let out a huge breath of relief. President Trump has not been a good president for everyone outside the US, except maybe Israel.
Just as in Greek mythology when the young Narcissus fell in love with his own image reflected in a pool of water so it appears has a Mr Trump has fallen in love with his own image.
I read somewhere, to really understand something is to be liberated from it. Yet, how can we liberate ourselves from our vain attempt at global progress which has, in all intents and purposes destroyed the very place we live in? Our world is collapsing, an implosion on a scale unimaginable.
And our environment is collapsing just as severely as our society. Our resources are dwindling at an alarming rate. Billions of animals have been lost this year to wildfires, drought, heat, cold, floods, disease, neglect, over-farming and natural disasters. Many millions of birds are dying around the world due to lack of food, lack of fish and insects.
I was woken this morning to the news that President Trump and his wife have tested positive for Covid-19, here at The Big Wobble we wish him and his wife a speedy recovery. The news comes after a terrible week for the president and his administration. This latest news just adds to the drama as America appears to be teetering toward a second civil war as the divided country unravels before our very eyes.
What happened on Tuesday night's American Presidency debate has shocked and awoken the rest of the Western world. It was the night when the Western World and our democratic system was compromised. It was a night when the president of the United States and supposedly the "free world" issued a thinly veiled dog-whistle to a far-right group that has endorsed violence to stand back and stand by and be ready.
At the risk of sounding sanctimonious, our Western ideals have increased to a point where our very lifestyle is causing us spiritual, mental and physical pain. The very idea of modern Western culture brings us pain, punishes us and causes remorse. Our breakneck lifestyles inflict physical injury and disease and produce frustration and hopelessness. In a world connected by social media, depression, loneliness and suicide are at record-breaking levels.
We are indeed fighting a spiritual war and most of the world is unaware they are being played. Millions of people in the West have been deceived, maybe all of us, I don't know but, for sure, people are unaware of that deception because they are unaware or underestimate satan and his demons.
In many ways, the 1960s was a precursor to what is happening to the world in the early stages of the 2020s. The term "the Sixties" is used by historians, journalists, and other academics in scholarship and popular culture to denote the complex of inter-related cultural and political trends around the globe during this era, we are of course addressing the same issues today BLM, Antifa, MAGA, White Supremecy to name just a few.
Some use the term to describe the decade's counterculture and revolution in social norms about clothing, music, drugs, dress, sexuality, just look at the LGBT movement of today and the sexualising of schoolchildren and the #MeToo movement. Still, others used it to denounce the decade as one of irresponsible excess, flamboyance, and decay of social order, we have had enough social order decay in 2020 to last us a lifetime.
It is hard for us Europeans to understand what is happening to the United States of America this year. American society is collapsing, let's not beat around the bush here, urban America has become a war zone. The endless videos of unrest in America's cities have actually become very disturbing to see. We are watching insanity in action, American people have become insane, America has become insane. Tolerance has gone from its citizens and been replaced by hate, reason has been replaced by rage.
The riots prove urban unrest is a class war and a race conflict and is being politicized by the contenders of the upcoming election. The insanity on the streets is like nothing before, the inequality on the streets is insane. Billionaires and millionaires populate cities where poor uneducated people roam the streets in abject poverty, homeless, shoeless and toothless, their only interest in life is to find their next high.
A report released by PressTV, the Iranian news agency is claiming almost twice the amount of ammonium nitrate which recently caused a massive explosion in Beirut, is being stored in the Yemeni port city of Aden by Saudi-Emirati occupation forces. Apparently, 4,900 tons of ammonium nitrate is stored at 130 shipping containers and close to a residential area of the city.
Thousands of tons of ammonium nitrate, a highly explosive chemical compound which recently caused a massive explosion in Beirut, are being stored in the Yemeni port city of Aden by Saudi-Emirati occupation forces, a top official warns. The governor of Aden governorate in southern Yemen says the chemical compound has been stored in Aden since three years ago without finding any immediate solution for use or any measure to keep citizens and their belongings away from possible danger.
Population control by genocide has been a favourite tool used throughout time, as history has shown, for the powers that be to remove populations that were deemed in the way. It is my belief that in these enlightened times we now live that just as AIDS was created for such a purpose, and is starting to control populations, COVID-19 might also be such a tool! Since the beginning of time, there have always been people who are in the way of the “powers that be.” It may be that the land they occupy is wanted or they may be seen as subhuman, but they have to go. It may be that they are not willing to submit to the “powers that be” and as they stand up for their human rights, they are removed. It is my view that this control of populations by genocide in one form or another is to this day still being carried out. History is full of population control by genocide in various forms and I will name just a few in a moment.As militarized agents boots stomp on US cities many prominent people are claiming the US is on the verge of its second civil war just when the country should be showing solidarity to the rest of the world as we draw closer and closer to WWIII and it could be happening right under our nose without us being aware of it.
In recent weeks I have often wondered what has happened to the world in 2020 in what has been an incredible escalation in all things bad. Since the Covid virus was announced on New Year's Eve, 2019 the world has quickly spiralled into a Hollywood Esque zombie movie filled with anarchy, hate, spite, ugliness and violence which has exploded into unprecedented levels leaving the US on the verge of another civil war and the world on the brink of WWIII.
In recent weeks I have often wondered what has happened to the world in 2020 in what has been an incredible escalation in all things bad. Since the Covid virus was announced on New Year's Eve, 2019 the world has quickly spiralled into a Hollywood Esque zombie movie filled with anarchy, hate, spite, ugliness and violence which has exploded into unprecedented levels leaving the US on the verge of another civil war and the world on the brink of WWIII. Just ten minutes on your Facebook timeline or Twitter will shock you into believing the world has actually lost its mind. Evil is out there and it appears to be mutating at a similar speed as the Covid-19 virus infecting people with hate and anger.
A reader on TBW left a poignant comment on the blog last week, Green Sleeves wrote in regarding the sickness which has left her husband reeling:
Sabotage or bad luck? Iran is suffering a chain of catastrophes with the latest being a fire at a power station in Southwestern Iran. Iranian media reported the blaze was the latest of several recent fires and explosions some of which have hit sensitive sites in the Islamic country. The blaze, which affected a transformer in the power station in the city of Ahvaz, was put out by firefighters and electricity was restored after partial outages, Mostafa Rajabi Mashhadi, a spokesman for state-run power company TAVANIR, told the semi-official news agency Tasnim according to Reuters.
Earlier this week three mysterious explosions at the Iranian Natanz nuclear facility in Iran has led to many questions. A former official suggested the incident could have been an attempt to sabotage work at the plant, which has been involved in activities that breach an international nuclear deal.
What took place at the Iranian Natanz nuclear facility in Iran? The incident is the third mysterious explosion in a week and has led to many questions. While the eyes of the world are on Covid-19, the economy, BLM and unemployment, Iran's disastrous year has taken another dangerous step into a conflict with Israel which would surely trigger the super-powers toward another world war.
The hot-headed sycophant, Khamenei is known for his obsequious hatred of Israel and his unpleasant disrespect for the lives of his own citizens and would bring the whole world to its knees if it meant he could destroy Israel.
Today, Israel is reportedly bracing for a possible Iranian retaliation as officials in Tehran suggested on Friday that a mystery fire and explosion at a top-secret nuclear complex could have been caused by an Israeli cyberattack.
The first six months of the most important decade in the history of mankind is coming to a close and it has been six months which have literally shocked the world. A global pandemic which has cost the lives of 500,000 people, (conservative guess), with another 10 million infected. Worse still, some 1.6 billion people employed in the informal economy – or nearly half the global workforce - could see their livelihoods destroyed due to the continued decline in working hours brought on by lockdowns to curb the spread of COVID-19, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).
As the great human pause continues we are indeed living in strange days, the world since Covid-19 appeared, has been turned upside down and back-to-front. As we sipped champagne on New Year's Eve, 2019 did any of us see this coming, I certainly didn't. Who would have guessed as we sang
Auld Lang Syne that in just 6 months time almost 10 million people would be infected and nearly half a million people would be dead from a strange virus which the US claims, comes from China and China claims it comes from the US?
Who would have guessed statues of the worlds greatest leaders would be under attack and global icons such as Sir Winston Churchill who saved the UK from Nazis Germany would be described as a racist and have his monument damaged in London by a movement called Black Lives Matter? And who would have guessed protesters would tear down a George Washington statue and set fire to its head? Strange days indeed.
2020 has been an incredibly difficult year. Western society, usually, when our backs have been up against the wall roll up their sleeves and get stuck in and solve overwhelming hardships. The WWI and WWII generations come to mind. Or the people who lived through the great depression. We are, probably, heading to another great depression and sadly, maybe WWIII. How this generation will handle the terrifying consequences of 2020, which are surely coming, is frightening.
The greatest power in the world, the United States of America has become a bickering nest of vipers, far from becoming great again it is crippled with hatred, ugliness, viciousness and nastiness, fuelled by a political quagmire of backbiting, lying, corruption, disloyalty and cheating, the left is as bad, if not worse than the right. The country is riddled with racism, crime, inequality and poverty. A recent poll shows 7 in 10 Americans agree 2020 is the lowest point in the country’s history
The Battle of Antietam, the Civil War's deadliest one-day fight.
Question? Will the insanity of 2020 be remembered as one of the worst years in human history, or will the terrible events the world has suffered so far this year be buried and forgotten as future catastrophes continue to escalate?
Already this year the unprecedented fires in Australia which destroyed an incredible 21% of its temperate forests and killed more than a billion animals were quickly upstaged by Covid-19 which has infected some 8,350,000 people globally and killed almost 500,000. And while our governments are telling us we have to get back to work, we have the situation under control, the virus is anything but under control as a new record of 176,000 cases were registered yesterday breaking the old record, recorded the day before of 139.000 new cases.
The question on many peoples lips at the moment is, will the 2020 Cultural Revolutionists desire to dwell on the past, end up with history repeating? Will the BLM, Antifa and other left-wing movements, be satisfied with merely damaging monuments, statues and buildings glorifying the Western Slave Trade, or will we see the Revolution escalate into a full-blown civil-war where academics, police officers or government officials, being dragged into the street by mobs of thugs and tied up, humiliated or even possibly beaten to death. Protests ended up as riots again yesterday for the fourth weekend in a row after the senseless murder of George Floyd on the 25th of May this year.
Confederate monuments are coming down and statues of Christopher Columbus along with other historical figures are being toppled as Americans grapple with the ghosts of the country's racial history in the wake of George Floyd's death.
The astonishing rise of lovelyism, political correctness and virtual signalling is a TERRIBLE DARKNESS which is threatening to overtake our lives. Free speech, the very heart of Western democracy is being stifled, strangled and snuffed out
The astonishing rise of lovelyism, political correctness and virtual signalling is a TERRIBLE DARKNESS which is threatening to overtake our lives. Free speech, the very heart of Western democracy is being stifled, strangled and snuffed out by a new generation of bleeding-heart, liberals who want to be seen as part of a new left-wing movement which has moved from its original stance on social equality and egalitarianism to favour anything which sits in a minority because they believe minority is their new Nirvana.
We don't have to look any further than the American Democratic Party for a classic example, last week, in a painful, cringeworthy, toe-curling attempt to show respect to George Floyd and the Black Life Matters, (BLM) movement they actually took the knee, social distancing you understand, wearing "Kente-cloth" scarves.
The mainstream-media across the West would have us all believe peaceful protest is taking place in many of our cities across the globe, this is not true. The constant bombardment of conflicting, facts, alternative truth and downright lies is becoming the symbol of 2020. What we are witnessing in the West at the moment is a carbon copy of the Arabian Spring, when a series of anti-government protests, uprisings, and armed rebellions spread across much of the Arab world in the early 2010s. The Arab Spring began in response to oppressive regimes and a low standard of living, starting with protests in Tunisia. From Tunisia, the protests then spread to five other countries: Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Syria and Bahrain, where either the ruler was deposed (Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Muammar Gaddafi, Hosni Mubarak, and Ali Abdullah Saleh) or major uprisings and social violence occurred, including riots, civil wars or insurgencies.
The West is going the same way and is heading for its own unprecedented"boogaloo" (civil war), "Western Spring."
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