Sunday 27 November 2016

Is he dead? Whereabouts of whistle-blower Julian Assange Remain a Mystery


Whereabouts of whistle-blower Julian Assange Remain a Mystery
Julian Assange the WikiLeaks owner who recently released the Podesta emails, which may have uncovered a paedophilia ring in the American capitol which appears to include senior government leaders, has not been seen for 33 days. His internet connections were thought to have been unplugged during the American election by the Ecuadorian Embassy officials where he is staying. During the American election, Assange's WikiLeaks sight had a massive cyber attack closing down the website.

Yesterday WikiLeaks urged people to stop requesting Assange ‘proof of life,’ the official Tweet asked; please stop asking us for "proof of life". We do not control Assange's physical environment or internet connection. The 45-year-old has been living within the confines of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for more than four years. His political asylum follows fears he may be extradited to the US over WikiLeaks-related activities and it’s no secret the American government would like him killed.

What is #Pizzagate?

#Pizzagate has gone viral, nuclear even, after Julian Assange released hacked emails from John Podesta who is the former chairman of the 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign. He previously served as chief of staff to President Bill Clinton and Counsellor to President Barack Obama. The leaked emails revealed strange coded messages which so called ‘conspiracy theorists’ claimed refer to a paedophile ring where children are bought for sex by government leaders.

Here is the official twitter link to #Pizzagate


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