Monday 13 January 2020

Book of Ezekiel one of the major prophetic books in the Old Testament has Israelis claiming prophecy is fulfilled after floodwater appears to flow eastwards from Jerusalem

Screengrab from Eliezer Europa's video: Some have claimed that a Bible prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel – one of the major prophetic books in the Old Testament – has been fulfilled after footage emerged of floodwater appearing to flow eastwards from Jerusalem

Biblical prophecy 'fulfilled' as floodwater 'flows from Jerusalem into the Dead Sea' Some have claimed that a Bible prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel – one of the major prophetic books in the Old Testament – has been fulfilled after footage emerged of floodwater appearing to flow eastwards from Jerusalem.

Though the sight of wadis (dry washes, valleys) filling up with water is not unusual in Israel, this winter rainy season has been especially blessed with rain, making this prophetic vision appear even more apparent. It remains to be seen if this will result in a springtime vision of the Dead Sea region blooming as it did in the days before Sodom and Gomorrah.

Rain fell for two weeks in Israel, breaking a 50-year record for the highest amount of precipitation in northern Israel on Thursday, according to the Israel Meteorological Service. A record was also broken in southern Israel where, according to the meteorological service, 5 inches fell, breaking a 76-year-old record According to the Bible, the landscape changed with the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, which turned the valley into a wasteland.

 Waters from Under the Temple Ezekiel 47:8-9, KJ 

The Bible also describes the area as fertile and well-watered in its narrative of Lot looking out onto the valley where the Dead Sea is now: And Lot lifted up his eyes, and beheld all the plain of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere, before Hashem destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, like the garden of Hashem. (Genesis 13:10) Indeed, Biblical prophecy also holds that water will flow east from Jerusalem into the Dead Sea, filling it up with fish and the surrounding desert with life: “Then said he unto me: ‘These waters issue forth toward the eastern region and shall go down into the Arabah, and when they shall enter into the sea of the putrid waters the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass that every living creature wherewith it swarmeth whithersoever the rivers shall come shall live, and there shall be a very great multitude of fish; for these waters are come thither that all things be healed and may live whithersoever the river cometh.” (Ezekiel 47:8-9Breaking Israel News

Record Rainfall

In the northern coastal plain and Ramot Menashe, some 350 to 400 millimetres have accumulated over the last two weeks, and more than 400 mm. fell in the Western and Upper Galilee – in some areas reaching as much as 450 mm. The service reported that this amount of rainfall over a two-week period is highly unusual. Since it began taking official rain measurements 80 years ago, such large quantities of rain have been measured in northern Israel only twice: in December 1951 and January 1969. A record was also broken in southern Israel where, according to the meteorological service, some 122 mm. fell, breaking a 76-year-old record. JP
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Unknown said...

We are that generation.

Atb said...

Hashem means "The Name", why don't you use the Father's Name, YHWH? The Creator of the universe has a name, and it's YHWH. Praise YHWH Elohim!

SYD said...

Glory to Hashem!!!

SYD said...

Glory to Hashem!!!

Prophecy Junkie said...


Anonymous said...

We should keep in mind that weather fronts (rain, storms, snow, ...) can be and have been for decades, steered, directed and manipulated through climate engineering (which is being done by most countries and done to some).

Relevant documents on past and ongoing climate engineering programs incl. patents, senate documents, US Air Force documents (The Weather as Force Multiplier), expert interviews etc. can easily be found at: