Thursday 23 February 2023

The major quakes keep coming! A magnitude of 7.4 on the RSOE disaster map which has been officially reported as a very powerful, shallow, magnitude of 6.8 by USGS. (why do they always reduce the size?) close to the Tajikistan-Xinjiang border region: Almost 50,000 dead after the Turkey Syria quake!


We had another very strong quake early this morning and I haven't seen anything about it anywhere on MSM. The quake was recorded as a magnitude of 7.4 on the RSOE disaster map but has been officially reported as a very powerful, shallow, magnitude of 6.8 by USGS. (why do they always reduce the size?)

The epicentre was close to the Tajikistan-Xinjiang border region, it is a baron landscape so luckily there should not be much damage and hopefully no casualties. The major quake, (mag 6 or higher) is very interesting though in its location. It is almost on the exact same horizontal longitude as the mag 7.8 quake which killed almost 50,000 people in Turkey and Syria recently. It's about  1700 miles East of the Turkey quake with Iran sandwiched exactly between both of them.

This had me very excited for a while earlier today when I realised it was possible to draw a straight line through this morning's quake and the Turkey quake, with Iran perfectly situated in the middle of them. The line then continued through the Geek Island of Patmos, where John had his Revelation prophecy and the line continued all the way to the Pentagon. This is how sad my brain works! The line actually finished South of the Pentagon and South of DC, never mind, I suppose I will have to get over it. . .

So far, February has recorded 11 major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) with the biggest being the deadly mag 7.8 which rocked Turkey and Syria on the 6th of Feb. The total for the year so far is a perfectly synchronized 22.

But of course, seismic activity is influenced by solar activity which so far 2023 has been incredibly busy, with our sun crackling with flares. So far, in the early days of this year, 5 X-Class flares have been recorded, just two less than the whole of last year. NOAA has recorded more M-Class flares than you can shake a stick at already this year. reports, growing sunspot AR3234 is crackling with solar flares, including more than half a dozen M-class events since Monday. Pulses of radiation are ionizing the top of Earth's atmosphere, causing a rolling series of shortwave radio blackouts around all longitudes of our planet. This sunspot will become even more geoeffective in the days ahead as it continues to turn toward Earth.


This means we can expect more major quakes in the coming days!

Major Quakes 2023




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