Saturday 19 November 2022

A letter from William Neu: Why the importance of reading the Book of Truth—And other news regarding the Catholic Church

The Renaissance period was a golden age for Catholic art. Pictured: the Sistine Chapel ceiling painted by Michelangelo

 Dear Family and Friends, and readers of TBW

The insightful video below is why the Book of Truth mentioned in the Book of Daniel (10:21/12:4-9) should be read, now (messages archived here: )

Please avail yourself of this video, revealing the mysterious loss of former U.S. senator Joe Biden: - 49 minutes

Would recommend the videos on as is advertised in the video above.


Why the importance of reading the Book of Truth

*Soon I feel I will not have to say "alleged" when writing about the alleged Book of Truth.

**It needs to be said that Jesus (allegedly) has spoken in the (alleged) Book of Truth of the importance of reading the messages. He has said that by knowing what is to come will keep His followers from falling into despair and giving up hope, because things are never going back to normal and the days of darkness, although somewhat here now, are to intensify greatly. So that is why it is very important and should be a high priority to read the messages. He also calls on believers to accept the Seal of the Living God and to pray daily that Seal of Divine Protection prayer ( ). In the messages will be found the Crusade Prayers and Litanies. For a complete list of the prayers and litanies only, go here:

***One last mention, Jesus says that while the messages should be read to keep His followers from despairing, the most important act is trustful prayer, in groups if possible, in particular the Crusade Prayers/Litanies, the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. These prayers are given for our own needs and for those who shun God's Mercy. Also said, the end, the time of transition, the day of judgment, is coming soon, within most people's lifetime. As I read the messages, the man called pope Francis will still be alive at the time of the Second Coming of Christ, he is now almost 86. The a.c. is to accompany him in the duping of mankind, to reject God.


Common sense on the Great Reset (short video)


Digital IDs:

EU press conference - COVID-19 (no answers given by Big Pharma, 27 minute video)


Is there oil in your lamp - signs of the end time?:


Fauci unmasked:


NASA - for your review: (short video) (very long but good video)


Francis' pro-abort appointments:


Would recommend Zeee Media for breaking info on the mRNA injections, 5G and more: (if true, it seems a technology beyond human intellect)


DIED SUDDENLY - "This is the greatest orchestrated die-off in the history of the world" "evil like we could not possibly imagine" (documentary trailer)


Until Proven Otherwise - fatal injections (short video):


Vaccine injury - no liability if . . . (1 minute video)


Faithful Catholic priests finding themselves between a rock and a hard place (short video):


Global Walkout (short video):


Katherine Austin Fitts - health and finance (always insightful info.):


Would recommend the first story in the Church Militant news hour - warnings were given by former Anglicans on the synodality process that which Francis had implemented many months ago (gut feeling - it looks to me Francis is going to one day announce a referendum to be conducted Church-wide because of the synod conclusions, which is to be falsified in its conclusions radically changing Church Teaching, as has been prophesied in the Book of Truth

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