Sunday 14 November 2021

Our leaders are spewing "climate rhetoric-blah, blah, blah" for one reason: You can see it in their attitude, behavior, and manners. they know they can't save the planet its too late! A Great Re-Set was planned years ago, however the real "RE-SET" happened in 1957!

 A glass too many for lunch Boris?

As COP26 ended in somewhat chaos, three words come to my mind! "Blah, blah, blah." Greta Thunberg might not be your favorite zoomer but her dismissal of our world leaders climate rhetoric as "blah, blah, blah" at the beginning of COP26 in Glasgow was not just spot-on but frighteningly so!

Let me explain, unfortunately for Greta Thunberg and her army of Zoomers and Generation Alphers, Millenials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers, the penny has not quite dropped, Greta, your leaders are not trying to save the planet. You see our leaders are spewing  "climate rhetoric-blah, blah, blah," for one reason and one reason only! And you can see it in their attitude, behavior, and manners. Many observers around the world now know, our world leaders are puppets for dark spirits-and if you look, you can see, their attitude is showing!

Incompetence syndrome!

They, our world leaders, experts advisors, and the elite are all showing a collective "incompetence syndrome," they appear collectively, struck with blindness. This "blindness", or inability to comprehend what is required of them, can be easily recognized by analyzing the questions that they ask or fail to ask, or the answers they give or fail to give.

Theresa May dancing queen, taken during the Brexit Negotiations/Photo credit Newsweek/"Incompetence Syndrome"; Struck With Blindness!

  • Matthew 15:14. Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
  • John 9:39. Jesus said, “For judgment, I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind.”

You see, dear reader, they know saving the planet is not an option anymore, so buying time is plan B. Looking to be doing the right thing is important but... the disturbing fact is our home, our planet earth is broken, and too far down the line to fix it, they, the suits don't know how to stop the slide, so these constant, meaningless summits are nothing more than desperate people trying so hard to look like they care and are doing their level best to stop the biggest problem the world has ever seen. But in reality, we are too late, even the billion-dollar "supercomputers" they designed to better understand and fix the problems can't help them, they can't keep up with the rapid and devastating change!.

Sleepy Joe at the COP26 Summit

Our leaders can't stop the fires, they can't stop the warming, or the cooling, the droughts, the flooding, the storms, the soil depreciation, the pollution, the extinction of a majority of living animals, fish, insects, and pollinators.

Sorry, did I forget to mention the death of our oceans and agriculture too? And they knew this, they knew years ago, but through avarice and greed, they have left it too late, much too late to fix. The speed of destruction happening now has caught every government and most experts in the world off guard. However, the real problem is how can they feed a world population of almost 8 billion people when all is crashing down around them? They can't, and they have known this for a while now, so what are they gonna do about it?

They will have to reduce the population, of course, it's the only thing which will work

So, earlier this decade they, our world leaders, Big Pharma, and the Bond-like villains (the elite, the ones pulling the strings) came up with a grand plan. They would destroy the economy of the world by causing a crippling world debt and rising energy prices, affecting fragile infrastructure, businesses, and most of the world's population. They systematically killed the middle class, destroying millions of small to middle size businesses. They created a chronic labor shortage of key workers, cutting the world supply chain, emptying supermarket shelves, and causing a wedge between the population, using an old and trusted system they call, "Apartheid."

This chain reaction of disasters couldn't possibly happen all together it had to be planned. How could "they" do this, I hear you ask? By introducing to the world a "bio-weapon," disguised as a pandemic called a Corona Virus. 

A Great RE-SET!

The Great RE-Set started on January the 1st 2020, at least in the west anyway, when disturbing news was being released from China to a western world who were largely nursing massive New Years' Eve hangovers and didn't take much notice, the perfect day to release a news alert knowing it would go largely unnoticed. A new Sars-like virus had gripped China and was slowly advancing around the world.

Almost 2 years later, our world continues to hurtle toward their "Great Re-Set," Boris Johnson, the Winston Churchill 'wanna-bee, who, along with other Western leaders have been prancing around for the last couple of weeks in Glasgow at the COP26. proud, full of confidence, oozing boyish enthusiasm. Being, egged along by their mysterious "elite bosses," strangely, disturbing, not quite identifiable, enigmatic, delphic "Bond type villains." Both parties, united, unanimous in their mantra, "We Will Build Back Better!"

Big words indeed.

How do I know this, how can I be so sure, why should you believe what I am typing?-Because they told us, not once, but many times in the last 10 years at least! It is no secret, we just didn't listen.

Suddenly, at the beginning of autumn 2021, tens of millions of job vacancies were available in the US, UK, and Europe, millions of workers were missing? Many couldn't work because of the new Apartheid system, no Covid vaccination, no work. Many frontline care and health workers, just months ago considered heroes were now considered parasites and pariahs for not taking the vaccine and sent packing. With so many problems to the supply chain, hundreds of thousands of drivers needed, hundreds of thousands of essential workers needed in other fields, why were governments firing instead of hiring? Because the "Grand Re-Set had been set into motion.

While the world population has been in lockdown and panic-down for almost 2 years our leaders have been busy building back better! An incredibly large, "super creepy," supercomputing army of artificially-intelligent robots, self-driving cars and trucks, neuro-technological brain enhancements, and genetic editing technology are waiting unpacked in the wings to take over the human workforce when given the green light.

I think many of you out there are like me and are very worried about what we are seeing unfold at the moment, something really bad is happening to our world. Something dark and sinister and all control has been taken away from us. We have suddenly been cast into an Orwellian drama, the very scenario science-fiction writers have been warning us of for many years has suddenly happened.

The world is running out of everything, yet our governments don't seem too concerned, where is the urgency? Of course, this is part of the plan. From tin food to meds. From toilet paper to semiconductors. Cars to shipping containers. Farms are closing by the thousands daily, there are not enough workers, a worldwide shortage of truck drivers, a shortage of fuel, gas, and energy prices going through the roof... The supply chain has snapped and it's getting worse. Every country in the West has an unprecedented debt, the US has just minted a "trillion-dollar" coin, echoing Zimbabwe a couple of years ago! The world economy is about to collapse. However, this is part of the grand scheme of things, or so it would seem.

But the supply chain is not our only problem, you see, the people who are responsible for this coming, "Great Reset," the elite, the UN, our governments, the health experts, and the tech billionaires, they want you in their pocket and they have this vaccine mandate if you want to work you have to comply if you want to eat you will have to comply, if you want health care, you will have to comply. People, especially moms and dads have to work, to pay the bills.

As autumn2021 slowly morphs into winter, a large "useless society" is emerging, a group of pariahs, outcasts, parasites, people who will become despised and rejected. This group will become discriminated against, bullied, and coerced into receiving the Covid vaccine, something we were told would not happen when the first vaccines rolled off the shelf late last year.

Vaccines have been manufactured in record time while many millions of honest unprepared people are wondering how on earth these vaccines could have been proven safe in such a short time? (short answer, they haven't). Dear people, let me explain, we will never be going back to where the world was just prior to Covid, which I'm afraid has gone forever but what will the new normal be?

Thousands of workers around the world are now being given an ultimatum, become vaccinated, or lose their job. Many of these people who are now threatened were championed as heroes just a few months ago, care workers, nurses, doctors and ambulance drivers. These same people are now classed as social pariahs.

 Industrial Revolution Number 4...  

We are about to be introduced to a new industrial revolution, industrial revolution number 4 in fact. Mankind is about to be fused together with machines, artificial intelligence, or AI. And it is the mega-rich techies, the 1% who are touting this fusion. Elon Musk and his “neuro link” for instance, Bill Gates and his obsession with vaccinations.  Bill Bezos and his robot operated Amazon Empire and the most anticipated advance in global recognition so far 5G. You and I are not prepared for what is coming, just how advanced this new industrial revolution will be, the tech giants have become more powerful than the governments themselves and they will sweep us aside as they introduce their “the new world order”. However, they needed a reset to set the wheels into motion, The Covid Virus. 

Robots inevitably will replace humans in the workplace and unemployment is unavoidable eventually for just about everyone. Covid-19 is a big help here for the establishment with millions of hard-working unsuspecting people who are being led like lemmings to jump off the unemployment cliff, losing their jobs because of closure from a novel virus. Asia Today has predicted driverless vehicles are becoming so reliable that in just a couple of years, humans will be banned from driving all over the world because we will be far too dangerous compared to our AI counterparts.

So truck drivers, packet deliveries, taxi drivers, bus drivers, factory workers, office workers, and others, yes, millions of others will lose their jobs in a blink of an eye. According to Historian and Author, Yuval Harari, speaking at the 2020 Economic Forum in Switzerland all jobs will rapidly disappear introducing "a global useless class," which will be separated from an ever-growing gap of the ever more powerful elitist class. However, this new “useless-class”, post-Orwellian, Proletariat, will be rewarded with a state-owned universal basic income which will be just enough to get by BUT, will only be eligible for people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 and have received an RFID chip allowing that person to provide and receive every kind of data to and from the powers that be.

Robots don’t need contracts and are super-efficient and they don’t get sick. I watched a wonderful video from the Happen Network team. I watched their video but alas it has been pulled. They claimed in the video that in June 2019, months before Covid struck the UK government released details about their partnership with the World Economic Forum and released a paper entitled “The Great Reset.” The purpose of the film is to imply that everything from our economics to our culture needs to be changed. Part of the video uses a virus pandemic sweeping the world to impose their idea on the viewer which of course was months before the real virus hit the world.

“Build Back Better” is the new slogan used by western leaders and the Economic Forum, even Prince Charles has made a video called, “RE: SET.” The Economic Forum goes on to predict how our world will be in 10 years' time: By 2030 we will all own nothing and we’ll be very happy. Whatever we want we’ll rent and will be delivered by drones and our Western values will have been tested to the breaking point.

But, “Build Back Better” is an illusion,, a human ideal, and nothing more than a boast. As I wrote earlier in this post, this world, or more correctly, this system of things is finished, broken beyond repair, the actual, "Grand Re-Set" happened in 1957 and went largely unnoticed until it was too late, let me explain...

Hosea 4:6

New International Version

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.”

The "Great Re-Set" happened in 1957 and not 2020:

After 1957 our planet began warming, not because of human activity, oh no, because of our Star and a pre fledgling NASA organization knew it!

The period described above was solar cycle 19, the nineteenth solar cycle since 1755 when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began. Solar cycle 19 lasted 10.5 years, beginning in April 1954 and ending in October 1964. The number of sunspots witnessed on the Sun during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1957 (606), alarmed scientists so much at the time, that an International Geophysical Year was declared at the peak of this solar cycle to try and bring the Russian and US scientists onto the same page after the cold-war silence.

Curiously, President Eisenhower went on to authorize the opening of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in July 1958. “The Space Race Began.” Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4, 1957, in the middle of the sunspot explosions on our star, beating the United States into space and stunning people all over the world.

In 1958, NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, suggested solar activity was responsible for fluctuations in our planet's weather. In the year 2000, NASA did publish information on its Earth Observatory website about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, revealing that the planet is, in fact, changing due to extraneous factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity. But this information has yet to go mainstream, see the report on Earth Observatory Coincidentally, Milankovitch died in 1958.

The maximum sunspot number observed during the solar cycle was 503, on Christmas Eve and Day 1957 (the highest on record). Intense red aurora displays frightened people in Europe on 11 February 1958 and were visible from many US cities as far south as the 40th parallel. This geomagnetic storm caused a radio blackout over North America. Aurora displays were visible over New York on 13 November 1960 and 1 October 1961.

Global Warming Begins... Major quakes and other major disasters begin to increase here on earth!

From 1957 on, our planet began to warm, seismic and volcanic activity began increasing, as did natural disasters and our wildlife began to die, slowly at first but increasing all the time, culminating into the unlivable hell-hole we are experiencing at the moment. A world on fire blasted from pillow to post by unimaginable sized storms, flooding, cold, heat, droughts, you name it and of course, our ever disappearing wildlife and vegetation, we are now living on borrowed time, almost 8 billion people with a rapidly depleted food supply, and a planet which due is due a polar-flip anytime in the near future.

A book released by Chan Thomas called The Adam and Eve Story, based on the findings of research on Spitsbergen and other Arctic areas, describes a pole shift, where the North and South Pole flip almost 90 deg into the tropics causing a cataclysm here on earth which was so destructive it is hard to comprehend. This pole-shift account in Thomas’s book is in my humble opinion an exact replica of the great quake mentioned in Revelation 6 and other chapters of the Bible. Full Story

My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.

God has warned us of what is to come, COP26 or a great Re-Set can't stop this and there will be no build back better either! An Earthquake is so huge, every mountain and every island on Earth will be moved. The sun will turn black, our moon will glow blood red and stars will fall from the sky, yes Sir. What is being described in the Bible can only be a pole-shift!

Revelation 6:12

And when I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat hair, and the whole moon turned blood red, 13 and the stars of the sky fell to the earth like unripe figs dropping from a tree shaken by a great wind. 14 The heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place.

What could John possibly have seen in this breathtaking vision? "And the stars of the sky fell to the earth!" Surely, he is describing a "Pole-Shift."

What they didn't tell us at COP26!

This summer according to NOAA was Northern Hemisphere’s equal 2nd hottest summer ever, tied to 2019, globally 2020 tied with 2016 as the hottest years ever recorded so it must come as quite a surprise to many that the Antarctic has just suffered its coldest six months ever recorded!

While most of the Northern Hemisphere has been ravaged by devastating fires, droughts, floods, and hurricanes, the Antarctic has been producing unprecedented cold. Of course, it was winter down there and it has been summer up here, even so, the average temperature at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station between April and September, a frigid minus-78 degrees F (minus-61 Celsius), was the coldest on record, dating back to 1957.

What could it mean?

Many "experts" have been forecasting a global cold burst, (mini-ice-age) type period due to an expected low sunspot activity at the end of solar cycle 24 and the beginning of solar cycle 25, however, a report today from claims Solar Cycle 25 continues to "overperform." Sunspot counts for Sept. 2021 were the highest in more than 5 years. And, for the 11th month in a row, the sunspot number has significantly exceeded the official forecast. 

The plot right shows sunspot counts vs. time. The red curve traces the forecast issued by the NOAA/NASA Solar Cycle 25 Prediction Panel in 2019. It calls for a relatively weak solar cycle peaking in July 2025. 

So, the average temperature at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station between April and September, was a frigid minus-78 degrees F (minus-61 Celsius), which was the coldest on record, dating back to 1957. "There is that year again," 1957 was a very important year, especially for sunspots, a record year, in fact, it was also a record year by a country mile for major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) and was the year global warming and an increase in natural disasters began, a very pivotal year for planet Earth. Let's go a little further back in time and look a little deeper here.

From 1957 on, our planet began to warm, seismic and volcanic activity began increasing, as did natural disasters and our wildlife began to die, slowly at first but increasing all the time, culminating into the unlivable hell-hole many people are experiencing at the moment.

Around 1914, solar cycle 15 began, it began very quietly, but soon began to accelerate, and ironically even more after the first World War. 

Solar cycle 15 was the fifteenth solar cycle since 1755 when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began. The solar cycle lasted 10.1 years, beginning in July 1913 and ending in August 1923, solar cycle 15 was the beginning of the "Modern Maximum." Solar Cycle. 

According to Wikipedia, the Modern Maximum refers to the period of relatively high solar activity which began with the Solar Cycle 15 in 1914 and encased many prophetic events, including WWI and II, the Spanish Flu, The Great Depression, and Israel's re-emergence as a nation, the Cold-War, the assassination of JFK and 9/11, and the collapse of the British Empire to name just a few.

It reached a maximum in Cycle 19 during the late 1950s and may have ended with the peak of Cycle 23 in 2000, as Cycle 24 is recording, at best, very muted solar activity. Another proposed end date for the maximum is 2007, which coincided with the financial collapse with the decline phase of Cycle 23......

Is there a timetable, a God Clock, a God Cycle? Click on the image to enlarge.

Solar activity has been linked to seismic and volcanic activity here on Earth and as a fledgling NASA acknowledged in 1958 our Star influences our weather here on Earth too, however, in 1914, seismic activity here on Earth was nothing to what it is now. 1914 recorded just 10 major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) for the whole year, which is nothing when you consider August 2021 has just recorded 19 just for the month.

What happened here on Earth between 1914 to 2008 though is astonishing when dissected, analyzed, and inspected, as I will endeavor to explain in this article below. 

Quite a few influential people claimed the world changed forever in the year 1914.
One of my favorite writers, George Orwell wrote in his book Coming Up For Air: "People living up to 1914 had something never prevalent again, ever, after 1914."
He also wrote, "before 1914 people didn't think of the future as something to be terrified of like we do now, and life was not softer then, on the contrary, life was much harsher."

"Yes, people, on the whole, worked much harder, more people were living in poverty but life was much better somehow." "It's like they had a peace of mind, a feeling of security, they didn't know the order of things could ever be changed and nearly everyone had a religious belief and went to church."

"And them boom, something changes the world, everything, forever."

It did, and right on schedule and even more incredible, we had been warned it would almost 2,000 years earlier.

Was there ever a moment in history when something happened, a “paradigm shift,” an important change when the usual way of thinking or doing something is changed forever and replaced by a new and different way which not only changed the world but changed mankind and also the way we thought or calculated a historical event. Well, of course, hundreds, probably thousands throughout the history of mankind but, was there ever a moment in time when a whole plethora of paradigm shifts happened, together, changing the way we even perceive our world - forever? 

Yes, the trigger which released this chain of events that led us to a ”brave new world” is embroiled deep in a conspiracy just as Pearl Harbour, the assassination of JFK, and 9/11. On the morning of Sunday, June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir presumptive to the Austrian - Hungarian Empire accompanied by his wife Sophie were assassinated in a motorcade driven through the streets of Sarajevo.

Exactly one month later WWI began and opened a whole new chapter in warfare and how to kill our fellow humans. It is hard to imagine how one destructive action from a poor desperate teenager could bring the world to its knees and change it forever, causing an unprecedented global chain reaction, a chain reaction of such devastation that Jesus Himself would warn us all to prepare for, 2,000 years earlier in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13.

That one insane moment caused an unprecedented global implosion which set off a chain of events that had never occurred in the history of mankind and is still reverberating around the world today. An escalation that our world has never fully recovered from and which set the trend in which we find ourselves today, nearly 8 billion people living on a dying planet with a society hellbent on the verge of destroying itself. 

Let's just look at the warning Jesus foretold around 2,000 years ago when he answered His disciples’ question, “when will these things occur?”

Jesus answered: for there will be wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place and another. All these things are the beginning of pangs of distress. Matthew 24: 6-8.

In Luke 21:1, we are also told of pestilences and great signs and fearful sights from heaven. How does 1914 link up to Jesus’s warning in Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13? Let’s break it down.


Wars have always happened since the beginning of time, great wars, all history is built on the back of wars and empires from the beginning of time, however, what began on July 28, 1914, and ended on the 11of November 1918 had never happened on such a scale before, no, not even close. For the first time in the history of mankind, a war so great had to be deemed a “World War, or the Great War.” For the first time in history, a “global war” erupted on the scale of what had never before occurred in human history. 

A war that saw millions of young men cut down by man-made industrial machines, chemicals in the form of mustard gas, and mega-size bombs. WWI butchered around 40 million people in just 4 years. History had changed forever, the direction of the world’s future had been altered, had the four horsemen of the apocalypse been released?.

More wars and food shortages.

While the world was still at war, one of the bloodiest of all revolts exploded, a war within a war you could say. In 1917 the Russian Revolution began, culminating in 1923. It is thought approximately 12 million people died during the Russian revolution, mostly poor people. Many died from famine. (For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place and another.)

There will be food shortages and pestilences. Matthew 24.

Pestilence! As the end of WWI approached, something similar to what our world is now facing descended on an unsuspecting public who were on the verge of celebrating the end of a devastating war; A new global pandemic systematically caught the world unaware. The Spanish flu, which started in the US killed tens of millions of people. It is thought as many as 500 million people were infected, one-third of the entire world population, and it is estimated more than 100 million died, more than double the number of people who died in WWI.

More Food shortages. As the world slowly recovered from the unprecedented deaths of millions from wars, famine, and pestilence the world took yet another hit, just ten years after WWI ended and seven years after the Spanish flu died off, the world was once again caught unaware. This time it was ‘The Great Depression.’ The Great Depression started in 1929 in the US but soon reverberated around the world, lasting until the late 1930s. Poverty and famine crippled much of the world's population.

Millions of jobs around the world were lost, hunger and starvation was the new killer, it is estimated The Great Depression killed around 120 million people. Wars In 1936 the Spanish Civil War began although half a million people died it was just a slideshow as to what was coming. By September 1, 1939, the world was at war again. The Second World War was even more destructive than the first. More sophisticated machines had been developed, airplanes provided a new horror, aerial bombardments which destroyed whole cities and after 6 years of bloody warfare, a new horror was introduced.

The US brought Japan to its knees with two “nuclear bombs” which destroyed two major Japanese cities and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a couple of days.

Some estimates place the total number of deaths, due to wars and armed conflicts since 1914, at nearly 300 million! Others would say 500 million. More food shortages Food rationing was so severe during the two World Wars that millions of people died from starvation. During the first World War, the German people were put on severe food rationing after First World War the German economy imploded, a wheelbarrow full of money was needed just to buy a loaf of bread.

According to " The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror Famine," around 14.5 million people died of starvation in the Great Famine of 1932-33, also known as Holodomor. During the Second World War the Dutch people were so hungry they resorted to eating tulips while Germans and Russians along the Eastern Front died in their millions due to cold and starvation. The British people suffered food rationing well into the 1950s as a result of WWII.

The Great Chinese Famine is widely regarded as the deadliest famine and one of the greatest man-made disasters in human history, with an estimated death toll due to starvation that ranges in the tens of millions (15 to 55 million). Since 1914, it is thought more than 100 million people have died due to famines during the 20th and 21st centuries.

Luke 21:1. Great earthquakes in one place and another, great signs and fearful sights from heaven; As I write this paragraph on the 6th day of March 2021, a total number of 42 major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) have shaken our planet which is the highest number ever recorded in the first 65 days of a new year. The record number of major quakes have been accompanied by a plethora of volcanic eruptions and activities. To say we could be well into a record-breaking year of seismic and volcanic activity is an understatement. The record at this moment of major quakes recorded in one year according to data taken from USGS is 207 in 2011, the year of the Fukushima disaster and 204 in 1957, much of which I will cover later, when you consider, in the whole year of 1914, just 10 major quakes were recorded.

Back to Luke 21 Now, Jesus mentioned, “earthquakes in one place and another” and “great signs and fearful sights from heaven.” Indeed earthquakes did happen back then in the days of Jesus but He was clearly giving a warning to a future generation and that generation was most probably this one, the people living today, let me explain.

The average number of major quakes, mag 6 or higher during WWI and just after averaged around “15 or so a year,” not really a global threat by any means. Directly after WWI major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) began climbing to a peak of 74 in the year 1934 which was the yearly record of the 20th century at the time.

A whole 'lotta shakin' goin' on!

According to data from the USGS website, for some unexplained reason, the number of major quakes dropped drastically during the 2nd World War. However, something incredible happened just a few years after WWII, a string of events that not only triggered the space race and resulted in the formation of NASA but also created the unimaginable idea of bringing the USSR and US space experts together on the same page smack-bang in the middle of a cold-war.

How could this happen?

During the ‘50s seismic activity suddenly and inexplicitly exploded around the world, just as Jesus had promised it would 2,000 years earlier. During the ‘40s the average number of major quakes (mag 6 or higher) per year was 35, however, in 1950 that amount suddenly spiked to an incredible 138, 100 more than the 1940s average but it didn’t stop!

The next year, 1951 the annual record was smashed again when 151 major quakes were recorded. In 1952 the record was smashed yet again when 181 major quakes (mag 6 or higher) were recorded. Then incredibly during 1957, there is that year again, our Star recorded a record-breaking number of sunspots in one year, our Star literally exploded with record-breaking amounts of sunspots, never been equaled since, delivering another prophecy from Jesus, “great signs and fearful sights from heaven.” And in that very same year, a new record was smashed when 204 major quakes (mag 6 or higher) were recorded in same year. Our Sun went ballistic and our planet responded! See the graph below.

So Jesus and His prophecy were as always spot on, but hey, there is much more, we haven't even scratched the surface.

Was 1914 the year the "four horsemen of the apocalypse" were released? I surely don't know but in the time between 1914 and 1957, the year our Sun went "nuts" an enormous amount of Bible prophecy happened.

 On May 14, 1948 - when "the world" briefly felt sorry for the Jews and returned Israel to them and they were able to declare independence for Israel as a united and sovereign nation for the first time in 2,900 years. During that same day, the United States issued a statement recognizing Israel's sovereignty, a nation was born in one day just as Jehovah said it would be.

Rumors of wars:  The Cold War, World War III, Nuclear war.

Many people have compared 2020 and 2021 to the beginning of the seven-year tribulation period prophesied in the Bible. Well, let me tell you, it’s not even close. What has happened since January 2020, Covid-19, lockdowns, job losses, evictions, and social unrest is terrible but can be compared to a walk in the park when you consider what horrors soldiers had to undergo in WWI and WWII but even those events are nothing compared to what is to come during the 7 year tribulation period, most of us in the West can’t imagine what war is really like, we have been very lucky, almost all of us alive today missed WWII and there is no one alive who can remember WWI, our generation, have had it remarkably easy, until now that is.

Now, we assumed in the last chapter, Jesus was indeed talking about “our generation” when he prophesied “earthquakes in one place and another” and “great signs and fearful sights from heaven,” mentioned in Luke 21:10, because both these things prophesied by Jesus happened together in 1957. But, is this generation, the same generation mentioned in Matt 24:22 - “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.? Well, we must be!

The great tribulation must be very close when you consider today, thousands of nuclear weapons are still available to five major nuclear powers: the U.S. Russia, Britain, France, and China. Add to that number the nuclear weapons of Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and allegedly Saudi Arabia and possibly Iran. Now let’s throw into the mix the possibility that other rogue organizations, terrorists, or jihadists, for example, could have the technology to at least make a dirty bomb, the permutations are staggering. We can now destroy the world many many times over and everyone on it, so when Jesus says; “If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved.” He has to be talking about our generation once again.

Back to the 1957 explosion of sunspots and major quakes, what has that to do with a "God Clock?" Our planet began to warm! Not from us but from the Sun!

Well, folks, this is where our story really becomes interesting, because until now, I don't think, (except for NASA) anyone has joined the dots and crossed the Ts'.

If 1914 was the release date for the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, then the 1957 explosion of sunspots and major quakes was the trigger for all our planet's problems today and I can prove it! It was unquestionably, the "END OF OUR BEGINNING!"

After 1957 our planet began warming, not because of human activity, oh no, because of our Star and NASA knew it!

More proof!

The period described above was solar cycle 19, the nineteenth solar cycle since 1755 when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began. Solar cycle 19 lasted 10.5 years, beginning in April 1954 and ending in October 1964. The number of sunspots witnessed on the Sun during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1957 (503), alarmed scientists so much at the time, that an International Geophysical Year was declared at the peak of this solar cycle to bring the Russian and US scientists onto the same page after the cold-war silence.

Curiously, President Eisenhower went on to authorize the opening of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in July 1958. The Space Race Began. Two days after the United States announced its intention to launch an artificial satellite, on July 31, 1956, the Soviet Union announced its intention to do the same. Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4, 1957, beating the United States and stunning people all over the world.

In 1958, NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, suggesting solar activity was responsible for fluctuations in our planet's weather. In the year 2000, NASA did publish information on its Earth Observatory website about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, revealing that the planet is, in fact, changing due to extraneous factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity. But this information has yet to go mainstream, see the report on Earth Observatory Coincidently, Milankovitch died in 1958.

The maximum sunspot number observed during the solar cycle was 503, on Christmas Eve and Day 1957 (the highest on record). Intense red aurora displays frightened people in Europe on 11 February 1958 and were visible from many US cities as far south as the 40th parallel. This geomagnetic storm caused a radio blackout over North America. Aurora displays were visible over New York on 13 November 1960 and 1 October 1961.

From 1957 on, our planet began to warm, seismic and volcanic activity began increasing, as did natural disasters and our wildlife began to die, slowly at first but increasing all the time, culminating into the unlivable hell-hole we are experiencing at the moment. A world on fire blasted from pillow to post by unimaginable sized storms, flooding, cold, heat, drought, you name it and of course, our ever disappearing wildlife and vegetation, we are now living on borrowed time, almost 8 billion people with a rapidly depleted food supply, see graph below.

Our World In Data shows the incredible rise in natural disasters since our Star went sunspot ballistic in 1957.

But maybe I'm jumping the gun a little bit, let's go back to the "Modern Maximum." and its peak in 1957. Another Bible prophecy was unfolding, no one really knew at the time but it is now as clear as day! England's mighty Empire, the biggest the world had ever seen had crumbled into sand. However, strategically it didn't matter on a world scale because our strongest ally, the US had become the World's first "Superpower." 

What we didn't know back then was, that just sixty years later the World's biggest military machine would not be cable of securing a runway in the middle of nowhere and defeating a bunch of Jihadi terrorists. The US is at this time a shadow of its former glory run by a weak administration besotted with problems. The country is divided and more often than not the ship appears rudderless. China is on the verge of becoming the new "World Superpower" and Russia has amassed 100,000 troops on its Ukrainian border with America's global influence none existent.

Cross References to a pole-shift:

Isaiah 13:10

For the stars of heaven and their constellations will not give their light. The rising sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light.

Isaiah 34:4

All the stars of heaven will be dissolved. The skies will be rolled up like a scroll, and all their stars will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like foliage from the fig tree.

Isaiah 50:3

I clothe the heavens in black and make sackcloth their covering."

Ezekiel 32:7

When I extinguish you, I will cover the heavens and darken their stars. I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon will not give its light.

Joel 2:10

Before them the earth quakes; the heavens tremble. The sun and moon grow dark, and the stars lose their brightness.

Joel 2:31

The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD.

Joel 3:15

The sun and moon will grow dark, and the stars will no longer shine.

Revelation 6:13and the stars of the sky fell to the earth like unripe figs dropping from a tree shaken by a great wind. 14The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.…

Joel 2:31

The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and awesome Day of the LORD.

Nahum 3:12

All your fortresses are fig trees with the first-ripe figs; when shaken, they fall into the mouth of the eater!

Matthew 24:29

Immediately after the tribulation of those days: 'The sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.'

Mark 13:25

the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.'

Revelation 8:10

Then the third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star burning like a torch fell from heaven and landed on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water.

Revelation 6:14The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place.15Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains.…

Isaiah 34:4

All the stars of heaven will be dissolved. The skies will be rolled up like a scroll, and all their stars will fall like withered leaves from the vine, like foliage from the fig tree.

Isaiah 54:10

Though the mountains may be removed and the hills may be shaken, My loving devotion will not depart from you, and My covenant of peace will not be broken," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

Jeremiah 4:24

I looked at the mountains, and behold, they were quaking; all the hills were swaying.

Ezekiel 38:20

The fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, every creature that crawls upon the ground, and all mankind on the face of the earth will tremble at My presence. The mountains will be thrown down, the cliffs will collapse, and every wall will fall to the ground.

Nahum 1:5

The mountains quake before Him, and the hills melt away; the earth trembles at His presence--the world and all its dwellers.

2 Peter 3:10

But the Day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and its works will be laid bare.

Revelation 16:20

Then every island fled, and no mountain could be found.

Incompetence Syndrome, thank you, Norval Cunningham.


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Hawkeye said...

Very interesting interpretation of how solar interference plays a big role in earth's environmental happenings. So, if we add to that all the malice the lunatic world leaders cause also, could that be what triggers these solar events? You have to wonder because both are happening simultaneously.
I feel there are so many poisons being put in to our environment that it causes numerous adverse reactions in a domino like fashion that we can not say just one is responsible for all the devastation and death of life we see daily and continuing to unfold, but rather it is too many in play and zero cures or resolves in responce. So it just keeps getting worse. Everything falls in to that pattern, money, health, medicine, business operations, everything!
I completely agree with your thinking of a pole shift being what is written (prophesied) in the book of Revelation. Definitely fits and there is even evidence of it as we know the poles are already moving/changing and have been for quite some time. There is also evidence in fossils that there was a time of magnetic south and not magnetic north as it is now. So yes, you write truth on that Gary!

Well I got a good laugh seeing the two nut jobs sleeping at these official bull shit conferences! Lol....yea, shows how uninterested they truly are to improving anything! Should be a billboard on every road in all countries! Wake up.....ha ha.
Stay well and God Bless!

Gary Walton said...

Could be, makes you wonder, why did the sun explode with sunspots just days after the first space flight? Coincidence? Or was God saying enough is enough, just like he did when Nimrod tried to build his tower into space!

Thanks, buddy, looks like just you and I left commenting on this stuff!

Hawkeye said...

It is interesting to know about an explosion of sun spots just days after the 1st space flight and I too have thought was/is it God, hoping it was. You're probably correct Gary!
Then it is a long warning no lunatics are hearing! Shows how patient He is, doesnt it!?
Thank you for replying, it's nice to have you to talk to.
Sincerely I thank you!

Gary Walton said...

You too Hawkeye, for your friendship and input...

Melly said...

There will be a new earth and a new heaven, created by God and Jesus Christ, this planet will pass away or be restored like from the beginning in Genesis. The first sentence in Genesis, written by Moses inspired by God, says, "When God began Creating the heavens(plural) and the earth. There are multiple heavens now, but there will be only one and only one ruled and home to Our Lord Jesus Christ with his true believers. Amen and God bless us all. Thanks Gary for all you do.

Melly said...

Remember from the bible, we do not wrestle against the flesh, but against the sinister rulers of this world. God bless us all and come to Jesus as your savior, just ask and it will be given to you. Amen.Thanks Gary for all you do.