Saturday 27 February 2021

UNLIVABLE! One-third of freshwater fish face extinction; Staggering statistics show in 2020 alone, 16 freshwater fish species were declared extinct. Since 1970, mega-fish—those that weigh over 66lbs—have declined in number by 94% and migratory freshwater fish saw a 76 % decline.

Own work Bidgee; Dead and dying Cyprinus carpio carpio (European carp) in Lake Albert.

One-third of freshwater fish face extinction. It is the latest shocking statistic from WWF and comes on the same day another report confirmed the population of monarch butterflies that arrived in Mexico’s forests to hibernate this winter fell 26% from a year earlier. TBW 

Dazzlingly diverse, freshwater fishes are vital for communities, economies, and ecosystems but are routinely undervalued and overlooked. They’re also under ever-increasing threats. 51% of all fish species are found in freshwater—that’s more than 18,000 different species. And they make up ¼ of all the world’s vertebrate species. Healthy freshwater ecosystems are critical for thriving populations of freshwater fish and for human well-being. Rivers provide at least 2 billion people directly with their drinking water and support ¼ of the world’s food production. 

The decline in freshwater fish populations is the clearest indicator of the damage humans have done – and are still doing – to our rivers, lakes, and wetlands. At least 200 million people rely on freshwater fish as their major source of protein, many in land-locked and low-income countries. Today, 60 million people—more than half of them women—depend on freshwater fish for their livelihoods. In the US alone, freshwater fisheries generate $38 billion in revenue and recreational fishing brings in another $100 billion per year, pumping much-needed cash into local and national economies, and boosting employment.

One-third of all freshwater fish are threatened with extinction

Freshwater fish populations are collapsing. Nearly 1/3 of all freshwater fish are threatened with extinction. In 2020 alone, 16 freshwater fish species were declared extinct. Since 1970, mega-fish—those that weigh over 66lbs—have declined in number by 94% and migratory freshwater fish saw a 76 % decline.

Nowhere is the world’s biodiversity crisis more acute than in freshwater ecosystems. Around 35% of wetlands have been lost in the past 50 years and only 1/3 of the world’s large rivers are still free-flowing.

Why are freshwater fish in such a crisis? Mostly due to human activities. Poorly planned dams fracture rivers across the world. Up to 400 million tons of pollution are dropped into freshwater ecosystems every year. Today, agriculture is the largest user of the world’s available fresh water and as human populations grow, the demand will only increase. Overfishing and invasive species are devastating freshwater fish populations and the climate crisis is especially difficult for fish that can’t tolerate changes in temperature. WWF Full Report


Our world is collapsing, an implosion on a scale unimaginable just a few years ago. Without a doubt, if we continue on our current path we will lose our home and everything in it. Mankind’s environment is collapsing just as fast as its society. Planet Earth’s resources are dwindling at an alarming rate. Animals, plants, fossil fuels, minerals, water, air and soil are all diminishing at an unsustainable speed while the world’s population is increasing. We will shortly have a situation where nearly 8 billion dying people will be trapped on a dying planet with no food to feed them and, “Superman” will not come to the rescue. If our natural world can no longer support our basic needs then our civilisation will quickly descend into chaos.

If you're looking for a brighter future in 2021, don't hold your breath. 

2020 will be remembered for the Covid-19 and the chaos it brought to a world not prepared for such a pandemic. However, and somewhat hidden because of Covid-19 and other major events Climate Change continued its relentless march in 2020 and causing the US alone, a record-busting 22 billion dollars in weather-related disasters in 2020. 2020 tied with 2016 as the hottest year on record, this was despite a La Nina event which should have caused a cooling effect. 2011-2020 was the hottest decade ever recorded and the six hottest years ever have been in the past six years and this trend is set to continue because of heat-trapping greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. This heat will render previous thriving communities to become unlivable and cause the deaths of an untold number of wild animals and insects. The wildfires in the US is an example of this scenario in 2020, as well as the record-breaking 2020 Atlantic season. These unlivable areas will escalate in the coming years no doubt.

According to researchers from WWF and the Zoological Society of London, the World has lost two-thirds of all wild animals and insects since the '70s.
    Earth has crossed its own tipping point and is creaking under the strain: Two-thirds of animals are now extinct since the 1970s! Climate changed forever! World population to hit 8 billion and accelerating
  • Planet has crossed the tipping point
  • Our planet is creaking under the strain
  • In 2020 two thirds of all wild animals who once lived in the world are now dead according to WWF.
  • The world's primates face an "extinction crisis" with more than 60% of species now threatened with extinction
  • Unprecedented death of millions of tons of marine life around the world’s oceans and waterways
  •  NOAA and NASA claimed 2020 and 2016 the hottest years ever recorded on Earth and the last 10 years the hottest consecutive years ever
  • 12 of the 13 warmest years ever recorded coming in the last 18 years.
In another report released by the journal Science-Advances are claiming the world's primates face an "extinction crisis" with 60% of species now threatened with extinction, according to research. A global study, involving more than 30 scientists, assessed the conservation status of more than 500 individual species. This also revealed that 75% of species have populations that are declining. Add to this the unprecedented death of millions of tons of marine life around the world’s oceans and waterways all point to a crisis that has crossed the tipping point.


Anonymous said...

Revelation 8:9 is happening as your article presents.

contact said...

much of our problems are indeed mans destructive nature. climate change (global warming) is a joke when it comes to man made. If you want to learn what is going on and how cycles driven by the electromagnetic connection to our sun planets and galaxy effect our world and drive climate and weather specific changes, take the 30 day challenge and watch the 5 minute daily round of of climate and science papers published world wide everyday at suspicious Observers dot org
for every Christian that pump's climate change with the idea of green house gases in the world is another speeder of false information and distracts all form the truth of the coming cycles. Yes pollution is a horrible despicable thing but that's man, he love death. real Physics is reveling the truth of gods universe daily with new looking tech in space and its awesome to behold.. the old models are dead (even if people don't know yet) and the truth is being revealed, even if the observers cannot understand its majesty. If you don't know about magnetic coupling or particle forcing you don't know about our sun controlling our climate. please look learn and be amazed

contact said...

in regards to my last comment above

realclimatescience dot com

are to good one. the first from au where history shows fires have been worse in the past
temperatures have been hotter in the past and most evidence is a joke of manipulation and deceit when it comes to historical climate representation. the second is truly a great site as tony is brilliant