Thursday 7 May 2020

A powerful underwater magnitude 6.9 earthquake struck Indonesia yesterday: It was the second major quake of May after a magnitude 6.6 struck Greece earlier this week and the 40th of 2020


Reuters. A powerful earthquake struck eastern Indonesia on Wednesday, causing some residents to flee their homes, but there were no immediate reports of damage and the country’s meteorology agency ruled out the risk of a tsunami. The magnitude 6.9 quake struck in the Banda Sea, the European Mediterranean Seismological Centre (EMSC) said, and was at a depth of 117 km (73 miles). The U.S. Geological Survey gave a preliminary magnitude of 6.8. The earthquake was not capable of generating a tsunami affecting the Indian Ocean region, the Indonesia Tsunami Service Provider said.

Yesterday's quake was the second major quake of May after a magnitude 6.6 struck Greece earlier this week. The number of major quakes so far in 2020 is 40, which is 8 less than in 2019 at this point and the same number as in 2018.

Major Quakes 2020

Front Page Headlines 


Eltekon/EIMC/Fertiileground said...

And in these last days, there shall be earthquakes in various places and the hearts of many shall fail them due to fear. Airline flight 777 is waiting for the last boarders to board. Passport nojciljn3:16/17, Rom10:9-12, Boarding Pass GreatGrace(Agape)

Eltekon/EIMC/Fertiileground said...

And there shall be great earthquakes in various places. The hearts of many shall fail them due to great fear in different places. Airline Flight777 awaits the last boarders to board. Passcode JCiLJn3:1617 Boarding Pass: Rom10:9-13/greatgrace(whosoever calls upon Him shall not be disappointed).

Larry said...

In The Coming Convergence on Amazon Prime, they took the USGS data and ran all of it over many days, and found that the USGS has misled when saying there is no increase in earthquake activity. This is one more source that says there has been a significant increase in frequency and severity. We know that earthquakes can give rise to volcanoes.
They also say that half of the volcanoes in the world are underwater.

Is it possible that a concurrent increase in volcanic activity underwater is causing some of the massive die-offs of ocean creatures?

Gary Walton said...

Could be Larry, I am witness to USGS cooking the books, please if you have time, read this...

Larry said...

I remember, Gary. It is was one of the first times I visited your site, and it's an impressive work. I just did a review of that page, and yes! Your graph is a perfect match to theirs. I see the same three phases of increase on their 100+ year graph as well!

I just posted it on Twitter if you would like to see a screenprint of it:

Also, I said something in error; actually, they said that 80% of the volcanoes in the world are underwater. The biggest is bigger than Yellowstone, and has become active as I recall.

Gary Walton said...

Thanks, Larry.

Unknown said...

Earthquakes increasing and happening more is the biggest sign Jesus gave us. Its such a powerful sign too because just think. Its happening! The more the data just keeps showing that the earthquakes keep increasing over the years and at a rapid pace now, the closer we are to seeing Jesus in the clouds. He said that the Heavens will be shaken and fire will fall from the sky before He returns though. That's the last and final event is the heavens shaking and falling from the sky. Im not trying to scare anyone though. I am just saying that Yellowstone going off is the birth that happens after the birthpains. Then we know its time. Then the heavens will shake and we will go home. I live in Missouri so if Yellowstone sets off the New Madrid Fault then we are in for a ride.

llibllens said...

Hello Gary,
We haven't heard from you lately. Hope you are not relapsing with sickness.
It's unusual not to hear from you at this time when so much world shaking is going on.
Let us know how you fare.

Gary Walton said...

Thanks, llbllens, no, I'm not sick at all, just busy with other things, I'll be back to it this week.

Unknown said...

Miss your updates Gary. Keeping you in our prayers. D & V

Gary Walton said...

Thank you xxx

Jaded Flower said...

Poorly written, 40th of what? Earthquakes over what magnitude, or quantify "major" magnitude. Eight less than when? Whole calendar year or to the date of post?