Monday 24 February 2020

Thousands of homes flooded after three once-in-a-lifetime storms have hit the UK in the first two months of 2020: Some areas expecting a months rainfall today

The English Bridge may have to close if barriers breach at Coleham, Shropshire Council said, credit BBC

The homes and businesses flooded in the UK are now in the thousands after three once-in-a-lifetime storms have hit the UK in the first two months of 2020, with yet another storm rolling in from the Atlantic today. Almost 2,000 homes had been flooded by Storm Dennis more than a week ago, and the rain has been relentless since last October.

Flooding in Shrewsbury could reach its "highest ever" level and will close off the city centre today as another one month worth of rainfall is expected. The Met Office has today issued almost a hundred flood warnings and two hundred flood alerts, with some areas expecting another 50 mm of rain to an already soddened ground.

Extreme Weather 2020

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Unknown said...

Build an ark

Unknown said...

What a rude, bigoted and silly statement

Anonymous said...

A jolly bad show over here.
The Ark is our LORD and the book of truth
shows that HIS coming is close. Read Daniel
11 carefully as HE proves that all prophesy
is being fulfilled.

Anonymous said...

Punishment from final've pissed off the establishment, now you've done it!