Monday 24 February 2020

Canary Islands sandstorm: A massive sandstorm has turned Madeira and the Canary Islands daytime into dusk leaving thousands of European holidaymakers stranded

The Sandstorm Caught By NASA

A massive sandstorm has turned Madeira and the Canary Islands daytime into dusk, disrupting all flights leaving or incoming to be cancelled, leaving thousands of European holidaymakers stranded.

Spain's national weather service said winds of up to 120km/h (75mph) could buffet the Canaries through Monday. It is strong winds that have blasted the islands with a dense cloud of sand from the Saharan desert, some 500km (300 miles) across the Atlantic Ocean.

Photo credit, Getty Images

The Canary Islands, which include Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote and La Palma, along with Madeira, situated just 60 miles, 100 km west of Morroco on the northeast coast of Africa are popular with European tourists in search of winter sun.

Extreme Weather 2020

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Gary Walton said...

This will bring the weather-warfare people into a nerve-shattering orgasm

Anonymous said...


You still see the microwave induced parallel waves all over the sky in this pic.

Gary Walton said...

So the world is attacking the Canary Isles, yawn!