Saturday 19 May 2018

Sad reports of birds falling from the sky due to heat-related illnesses as heatwave shows no sign of relenting in parts of India

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With over a 100 people dead from the extreme weather in India this week, spare a thought for the plight of the wildlife who also are suffering from the weather hell in the country.
At a time when many of us fall prey to dizziness and dehydration merely after spending a couple of hours in the scorching sun, the plight of stray animals and birds is much worse.
Of late, there has been a significant spike in the number of cases of birds falling prey to dehydration and heatstroke.
The situation has worsened so much that birds tend to fall and suffer head injuries, as they get dehydrated while flying.
Nearly 800 cases of birds falling prey to heat-related illnesses were reported at Jivdaya Charitable Trust (JCT) in Ahmedabad in the first fortnight of this month.
These include some 148 infant birds, 619 adult birds and 27 others."
This is the season for babies of birds such as Parakeets, Kites and Pigeons being born.
Of late, there has been a significant spike in the number of cases of birds falling prey to dehydration and heatstroke.
The infant birds are often ready for their first flight around this time of the year, but they get dehydrated and fall.
This is really sad, as the green cover is shrinking and birds have no natural shelter left," said Gira Shah, managing trustee, JCT. Shah added, "It is high time citizens get sensitive to these aspects and act.
