Monday 19 February 2024

Signs And Wonders! Monster Sun Spot Group AR3590 could quite easily be the biggest Sun Spot group of Solar Cycle 25 And It's Turning Toward Earth—As we approach the peak of Solar Cycle 25 NOAA is predicting more Sun Spots

Credit NASA

NOAA and NASA are expecting notable space weather events in 2024 according to their websites, well they might. As we approach the peak of Solar Cycle 25 NOAA is predicting more Sun Spots—This is a puerile prediction when you consider the word Peak lends itself to the maximum or highest point, however, their claim is verified when we observe what is turning toward Earth on the Eastern limb of our Sun—Sun Spot Group AR3590 could quite easily be the biggest Sun Spot group of Solar Cycle 25.

Just 3 days ago the enormous sunspot AR3576 erupted, producing a very powerful X2-class solar flare. It was the 4th strongest solar flare of Solar Cycle 25 and came less than a week after AR3576 shot off a powerful M9-class flair which was an X-class flare in everything but name! wrote this morning: A big new sunspot is emerging from the farside of the sun. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory can see it rotating over the sun's northeastern limb. It is too soon to say what kind of magnetic field the foreshortened active region possesses. A mixed-polarity field could lead to Earth-directed flares later this week.

NASA are predicting only a 40% chance of an M-class flare and a 0.5% of an X-class flare. . .

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