Friday 8 October 2021

On Wednesday gas prices rose by 37% in just one day in the UK: For many Christmas 2021 will be a simple equation, heat or eat! A Bio-Weapon has been released on the world, and the powers that be have begun to collapse the economy and are preparing for "The Great Reset!"

"Super Creepy!" Ubiquitous, mobile supercomputing. Artificially-intelligent robots. Self-driving cars. Neuro-technological brain enhancements. Genetic editing. The evidence of dramatic change is all around us and it’s happening at exponential speed. Previous industrial revolutions liberated humankind from animal power, made mass production possible and brought digital capabilities to billions of people. This Fourth Industrial Revolution is, however, fundamentally different. It is characterised by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.

I think many of you out there are like me and are very worried at what we are seeing unfold at the moment, something really bad is happening to our world. Something dark and sinister and all control has been taken away from us. We have suddenly been cast into an Orwellian drama, the very scenario science-fiction writers have been warning us of for many years has suddenly happened.

As I mentioned in another post earlier this week we have entered the beginning of a global event which is "extremely loud and unbelievably close by." Most observers missed it, hell, we all missed it, it's too late to do anything about it now, the wheels are in motion. If I could offer any advice it would be, stay close to the Lord, go out and buy tin food, flower, rice and pasta for the coming months before the prices go through the roof, which of course has already begun with certain items. It will surely get ugly out there when the shelves empty, so do it as quick as you can. Civil unrest is a certainty.

I started The Big Wobble back in 2008, I wanted to document Bible prophecy leading up to the "Tribulation Period," I was so confident and sure this was my calling and so it has been, but, I took my eye off the ball just when I should have been watching. The world has been hoodwinked, a perfect storm has arrived, a Bio-Weapon has been released on the world, and the powers that be have begun to collapse the economy and are preparing for "The Great Reset!"

The world is running out of everything, yet our governments don't seem too concerned, were is the urgency? Of course, this is part of the plan. From tin food to meds. From toilet paper to semiconductors. Cars to shipping containers. Farms are closing by the thousands daily, there are not enough workers, a world wide shortage of truck drivers, a shortage of fuel, gas and energy prices going through the roof... The supply chain has snapped and its getting worse. Every country in the West has an unprecedented debt, the US has just minted a "trillion dollar" coin, echoing Zimbabwe a couple of years ago! The world economy is about to collapse. However, this part of the grand scheme of things, or so it would seem.

But the supply chain is not our only problem, you see, the people who are responsible for this coming, "Great Reset," the elite, the UN, our governments, the health experts and the tech billionaires, they want you in their pocket and they have this vaccine mandate, if you wan't to work you have to comply, if you want to eat you will have to comply, if you want health care, you will have to comply. People, especially moms and dads have to work, to pay the bills.

As autumn2021 slowly morphs into winter, a large "useless society" is emerging, a group of pariahs, outcasts, parasites, people who will become despised and rejected. This group will become discriminated against, bullied, and coerced into receiving the Covid vaccine, something we were told would not happen when the first vaccines rolled off the shelf late last year.

Vaccines have been manufactured in record time while many millions of honest unprepared people are wondering how on earth these vaccines could have been proven safe in such a short time? (short answer, they haven't). Dear people, let me explain, we will never be going back to where the world was just prior to Covid, which I'm afraid has gone forever but what will the new normal be?

Thousands of workers around the world are now being given an ultimatum, become vaccinated or lose your job. Many of these people who are now threatened were championed as heroes just a few months ago, care workers, nurses, doctors and ambulance drivers. These same people are now classed as social pariahs.

It doesn't help when world leaders join the in fighting. Joe Biden said Thursday the 'bigger story' isn't that thousands of people are losing their jobs, but that the new mandates are increasing the percentage of Americans in the workforce who are vaccinated against COVID-19.

'These requirements work,' Biden lauded during a speech at a Clayco construction site in Elk Grove Village, Illinois. The new rule, Biden said on Thursday, would 'cover 100 million Americans, about two-thirds of all the people working in America.'

'Let's be clear, when you see headlines and reports of mass firings and hundreds of people losing their jobs, look at the bigger story,' the president added, claiming that the 'bigger story' is that more employees in the workforce are vaccinated. Daily Mail

Our "Kristallnacht" has begun ...The fight had begun before most of us even realised it. Back in July, President Biden announced to the world that: "There is a pandemic of unvaccinated people in the US!" He is only one of government leaders world-wide using unvaccinated people as a tool for propaganda and the hate will increase the longer we refuse to be "coerced" into receiving the vaccine.

The unvaccinated people will become "locked down." We will be intimidated, discriminated against and controlled with fear, which is illegal in the West but, against the unvaccinated it will be allowed. How many of you, "anti-vaxxers," which is what we are being called, are prepared for what is coming, I wonder?

Anti-vaxxers are called a misinformed movement and we are on borrowed time. Bloomberg claimed that anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers are "deadly" and not principled.

Apparently, at the beginning of August 2021, the CDC very quietly withdrew their Emergency Use Authorisation for RT PCR tests because it cannot distinguish between SARS-CoV-2 and flu. But what is an Emergency Use Authorisation, EUA, anyway? The EUA is given to a  vaccination is an experimental medicine that has not yet "been approved." Let me repeat that folks, the vaccines have not yet been approved!

According to Dr. Mike Yeadon who is an Allergy & Respiratory Therapeutic Area expert with 23 years in the pharmaceutical industry, including Chief Science Officer for Pfizer, the gene-based vaccines are not approved by any medical authority and have only a "emergency use authority" and without the so-called Covid "emergency" they couldn't be administered legally at all!  

And to make matters worse, we don't know very much about the vaccines either, especially the long time side effects, they could induce all kinds of nasty things later in life, we just don't know. So would you get a vaccine that could give you blood clots or something even worse in months to come for something that can't be distinguished between itself and flu and has a 99% recovery rate? But hey, you need to pay the mortgage, I know!

American Airlines are saying all air workers must be vaccinated by Nov 24 or face the sack, it is thought 30% of pilots are holding out, good luck with that!

On Wednesday gas prices rose by 37% in just one day in the UK. Since the energy crisis began in the UK, 13 providers have gone bust with more on the way. The poorer half of the country will have to decide where to heat, or eat this Christmas. In September world food prices hit a ten year peak, but October, November and December promises to be much worse.

Still in the UK, the number of private sector businesses in the UK fell by 400,000 in 2020, bringing the total number of British firms at the start of 2021 to its lowest level since 2016 and it keeps falling.

The real cost of inflation shows families in the West will be paying something around $200 a month more this winter. Millions of families will fall well short of that total and will suffer. But here is the caveat, millions of farm animals are being culled, thrown away around the world because of a lack of CO2 (which is needed to slaughter them). Many more are being culled because of climate change, droughts, flooding and lack of farm staff.

The supply chain has snapped, surely we shouldn't be sacking thousands upon thousands of workers for not being vaccinated, it doesn't make sense, or does it? Are they bringing the workforce down on purpose? It could well be

Is this world-wide shortage of goods part of the great "Reset Plan?" It's beginning to look  that way, Boris Johnson acts as if he couldn't care less about the shortages, Biden too, they don't seem bothered at all.

We are about to be introduced to a new industrial revolution, industrial revolution number 4 in fact. Mankind is about to be fused together with machines, artificial intelligence, or AI. And it is the mega-rich techies, the 1% who are touting this fusion. Elon Musk and his “neuro link” for instance, Bill Gates and his obsession with vaccinations.  Bill Bezos and his robot operated Amazon Empire and the most anticipated advance in global recognition so far 5G. You and I are not prepared for what is coming, just how advanced this new industrial revolution will be, the tech giants have become more powerful than the governments themselves and they will sweep us aside as they introduce their “the new world order”. However, they needed a reset to set the wheels into motion, The Covid Virus. 

Robots inevitably will replace humans in the workplace and unemployment is unavoidable eventually for just about everyone. Covid-19 is a big help here for the establishment with millions of hard-working unsuspecting people who are being led like lemmings to jump off the unemployment cliff, losing their jobs because of closure from a novel virus. Asia Today have predicted driverless vehicles are becoming so reliable that in just a couple of years, humans will be banned from driving all over the world because we will be far too dangerous compared to our AI counterparts. So truck drivers, packet deliveries, taxi drivers, bus drivers, factory workers, office workers and others, yes, millions of others will lose their jobs in a blink of an eye. According to Historian and Author, Yuval Harari, speaking at the 2020 Economic Forum in Switzerland all jobs will rapidly disappear introducing "a global useless class," which will be separated from an ever-growing gap of the ever more powerful elitist class. However, this new “useless-class”, post-Orwellian, Proletariat, will be rewarded with a state-owned universal basic income which will be just enough to get by BUT, will only be eligible for people who have been vaccinated against Covid-19 and have received an RFID chip allowing that person to provide and receive every kind of data to and from the powers that be.

Robots don’t need contracts and are super-efficient and they don’t get sick. I watched a wonderful video from the Happen Network team. I watched their video but alas it has been pulled. They claimed in the video that in June 2019, months before Covid struck the UK government released details about their partnership with the World Economic Forum and released a paper entitled “The Great Reset.” The purpose of the film is to imply that everything from our economics to our culture needs to be changed. Part of the video uses a virus pandemic sweeping the world to impose their idea on the viewer which of course was months before the real virus hit the world.

“Build Back Better” is the new slogan used by western leaders and the Economic Forum, even Prince Charles has made a video called, “RE: SET.” The Economic Forum goes on to predict how our world will be in 10 years time: By 2030 we will all own nothing and we’ll be very happy. Whatever we want we’ll rent and will be delivered by drones and our Western values will have been tested to the breaking point. 




Hawkeye said...

Your title to this post says it all!
Question: if hundreds or thousands are "losing" their jobs how is the bigger picture saying there are "more" employees vaxed in the work place? What kind of math is that?! Lol....seriously, it is backwards BS. When thousands are "fired" for non compliance to an illegal medical mandate, you dont get more vaxed workers, you get less hands on the job and the number of vaxed remains the same. I just found out yesterday that a friend who seemed very adamant about never taking the jab, he caved AND told me he regrets it, after his 2nd shot he got covid and was terribly sick for 10 days. Ran 102 fever for 3 or 4 days, could not get out of bed for a week, awful fatigue and in quarantine.

I asked him why did you do it, he said peer pressure from his employer, although his employer legally (according to the federal mandate of 100 employees or more must force the jab or no job) did not fall in to that order by feds he was still bullied to keep his job. I came home and cried. It hit me like a brick all of a sudden I felt so alone in this world, because every person I know, except one, took the poison jab. Due to that personal acknowledgement, I wonder about the official narrative saying only 54% of America are vaxed. I see that as much higher and if that truly is the case then why would numbers for vaxed be down played when they push so hard to get those numbers up?

Is anyone else noticing this?
One thought is all that comes to mind, since most jabbed recipients get sick and hospitalized (covid) after they are injected the cases go up tremendously, an opportunity to label as un-vaxed for propaganda purposes. Vac more, get more positive cases and say it is a pandemic of un- vaxed. Wondering......
How can cases have gone up with a new variant so fast and with a majority vaxed? Those uptick cases are in a timeline consistant with approx. a 3 month post jab history? I have not seen any, no unvaxed that got sick, only vaxed getting covid.
Only way I see this to be is the vac caused it and that falls in line with my thinking the number vaxed being reported is fudged like all else to appear to be much lower to cover up the adverse side effects of becoming covid positive. But hey, I have a good imagination.......not?

It may be possible this economic shortages situation unfolding now as Gary has written of, is caused by something else and used to make it worse then it is. GW/climate change could very well be the real reason supplies are dwindling and covid is the cover. Food for thought. Stay strong folks.
A positive in all this is a guy who owns restaurants said he fired every vaxed employee he has! Ha! He had 140 something employees in one establishment, he said about 48 were vaxed and let go so now he is under the 100 number for illegal mandate enforcement and is not required to enforce on remaining workers! Brilliant! Turn it around. Good idea!
Thanks Gary!

Anonymous said...

Scary times, unless you know where they are heading & have read the end of The (Good) Book to find out who wins!
Can heartily recommend this series on The Great Reset. I thought I knew all about it, but I learned a thing or two from this dear man of God.
Thanks Gary. Keep 'em coming.

Anonymous said...

My below post may be found here :

JungianINTP says
OCTOBER 9, 2021 AT 12:11 PM

Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

[[ copy to paper, then nix this ]]

You’ve expertly covered/exposed

Possibly, soon, you’ll expose the
more deadly Globalized Fraud of
“Man-Made Global Warming” :


“The MAN-Made Global Warming Hoax”

This analyst rightly/correctly argues
this truthful position—it is :

Cyclical Solar-Effected Climate Change ( my term )

—Not Caused by Man’s Industries
(( his environmental contaminations
by chemicals NOT excused here )).

Deep State folks know that truth,
but serve Global Economic Socialists’
machinations, through their C O M -
M I E-Run U.N.—to enslave all mankind,
using what I’ve termed “B R U T A L -
I T A R I A N Equity” ( a/k/a MARXIAN
Totalitarianism—using brutal torture,
then firing squads and/or starvation
or full-bore warring, as Lincoln had
used against Self-Government/-Deter-
mination in the Anti-C E N T R A L I Z A -
T I O N, Southern colonies )),

Study SAVAGE Bolshevik Jews’
(( rightists cowardly hide that Jewish connection to World Wars I & II ))
slaughter/torture of Christians in 1920s Russia, and thereafter (( study
the “House of Government” - a very difficult read - about the stark evils
of Marxism; and study all books about those Mass-Murdering, Libertine-
Leftist, Dystopian “Utopians”—

“ Utopi-Psychotics ”
(( Utopipsychosis ))

(( my psychology-based term, from my
essays explaining :
“Organic-Based Psychology . . . “
—about the psychological Root Cause
of this Near-to-Death condition of White
Western/Christian Civilization )).

I’ve been writing this idea for years :
More Co2 is Good, not Bad!, for Plant
Life—for the Planet !

So, braindead idiots (( redundancy!—for agitating those dolts )) among us, hoping to “drive Co2 to zero” (( recent comment by low-I.Q. / low-R.Q. United Nations official )).

[[ Read New Scientist magazine’s report,
“How Smart People Can Be So Stupid!”
as one may have an extremely high I.Q.,
yet be lacking in R.Q.—not able to REASON
very well—not able to access the LOGICAL
left-hemisphere of their brain very well :
artists, actors, musicians, and Senator
Schumer, and HARPY-like AOC . . . and ALL
Leftists ]]

Here is some T R U T H-Telling, to challenge those
W A R M I S T S blaming human industry for any
(questionable) warming (( warmists caught cheating
over the decades, by fraudulently cooking their math
results, to push their We-Are-the-World, Socialist/Com-
munist case against this MERITOCRATIC, Western/
Christian Civilization )) :

And Read/Study the last page of
the late Robert Felix’s book :

“Not by Fire but by Ice”

—or don’t, in order to keep
your peaceful nights of
sleep !


JungianINTP said...

My below post may be found here :

JungianINTP says
OCTOBER 9, 2021 AT 12:11 PM

Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

[[ copy to paper, then nix this ]]

You’ve expertly covered/exposed

Possibly, soon, you’ll expose the
more deadly Globalized Fraud of
“Man-Made Global Warming” :


“The MAN-Made Global Warming Hoax”

This analyst rightly/correctly argues
this truthful position—it is :

Cyclical Solar-Effected Climate Change ( my term )

—Not Caused by Man’s Industries
(( his environmental contaminations
by chemicals NOT excused here )).

Deep State folks know that truth,
but serve Global Economic Socialists’
machinations, through their C O M -
M I E-Run U.N.—to enslave all mankind,
using what I’ve termed “B R U T A L -
I T A R I A N Equity” ( a/k/a MARXIAN
Totalitarianism—using brutal torture,
then firing squads and/or starvation
or full-bore warring, as Lincoln had
used against Self-Government/-Deter-
mination in the Anti-C E N T R A L I Z A -
T I O N, Southern colonies )),

Study SAVAGE Bolshevik Jews’
(( rightists cowardly hide that Jewish connection to World Wars I & II ))
slaughter/torture of Christians in 1920s Russia, and thereafter (( study
the “House of Government” - a very difficult read - about the stark evils
of Marxism; and study all books about those Mass-Murdering, Libertine-
Leftist, Dystopian “Utopians”—

“ Utopi-Psychotics ”
(( Utopipsychosis ))

(( my psychology-based term, from my
essays explaining :
“Organic-Based Psychology . . . “
—about the psychological Root Cause
of this Near-to-Death condition of White
Western/Christian Civilization )).

I’ve been writing this idea for years :
More Co2 is Good, not Bad!, for Plant
Life—for the Planet !

So, braindead idiots (( redundancy!—for agitating those dolts )) among us, hoping to “drive Co2 to zero” (( recent comment by low-I.Q. / low-R.Q. United Nations official )).

[[ Read New Scientist magazine’s report,
“How Smart People Can Be So Stupid!”
as one may have an extremely high I.Q.,
yet be lacking in R.Q.—not able to REASON
very well—not able to access the LOGICAL
left-hemisphere of their brain very well :
artists, actors, musicians, and Senator
Schumer, and HARPY-like AOC . . . and ALL
Leftists ]]

Here is some T R U T H-Telling, to challenge those
W A R M I S T S blaming human industry for any
(questionable) warming (( warmists caught cheating
over the decades, by fraudulently cooking their math
results, to push their We-Are-the-World, Socialist/Com-
munist case against this MERITOCRATIC, Western/
Christian Civilization )) :

And Read/Study the last page of
the late Robert Felix’s book :

“Not by Fire but by Ice”

—or don’t, in order to keep
your peaceful nights of
sleep !


Hawkeye said...

I just watched the 4th industry revolution video posted on top of this page and it really got me irritated. All that progress made to appear so wonderful and with such good intentions is complete BS. The more technological the world becomes the more poison it also becomes, so a complete catch 22 with zero resolve and no good whatsoever.

I can not tell of all the hypocrisies I see, too long, but let me just say one up against all said in that video..... did those brilliant minds behind all that robotic shit ever once think "hey, why dont we simply halt the CAUSES of cancer and the numerous sicknesses in our world in order to rid them?"

Clean air, water etc., can never ever be with geoengineering in play 24/7 as it is and has been. Do they also have some magical robot to clean out all the damn radioactive poison on the planet too? Oh yea, they forgot about that. It's so annoying to read and watch videos like that when you are fully awake!

The planet is in meltdown, the warming ( to Rick/anonymous) is real and we have long passed the tipping point of returning to a healthy normal environmental climate. Technology has ignored nature and always will. Technology is here because it/we destroyed nature so now we need a way to live on a poison planet and be artificial as the environment is and has been made to be.....oh but nature ain't having any of it! Ha ha techno people! Gene editing?? How about leaving our Gene's alone and edit the damn poison that is being sprayed in our clean air? Anyone ever think of that?! Cure, not replace with artificial.
So over it!!
Thanks Gary.

Gary Walton said...

Your welcome Hawkeye, stat safe.

Melly said...

Technological and biological changes to God's creations make the recipients less human, be aware and cautious people, Jesus will not recognize you. God bless us all. Amen.