Monday 2 August 2021

Graphene is poisonous to humans and graphene oxide is a fantastic conductor of electricity and can host its own magnetic field in a person which could then be used to connect us to AI or the Internet and they are using it in the vaccines according to ex Pfizer worker!

A screengrab from the video showing Karen Kingston

Bill from Alaska sent me an incredibly important video regarding "graphene oxide," at the weekend, which is so shocking I watched the long video three times to make sure I had grasped all the facts. Graphene is poisonous to humans but even more alarming is that graphene oxide is a fantastic conductor of electricity and can host its own magnetic field in a person which could then be used to connect said person to AI or the Internet and they are using it in the vaccines! (Remember the big panic about 5G back at the beginning of the Covid outbreak and how miraculously 5G appears to have been swept under the carpet since then?) Well, it appears 5G and Covid are connected after all. I will post a link to the video at the bottom of this post.

Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, has come forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!

According to Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industrie and whistleblower has confirmed poison is in the Covid vaccines in which independent researchers have tried to debunk.

She is a very brave lady who is on a mission to expose the truth when she claims the authorities and the media have been lying to us. She is pushing people to do their own research because we are being lied to.

She claims she is 100% sure, "Graphene Oxide" is being used in the Covid vaccines, claiming all the mRNA vaccines contain a pegylated lipid nanoparticle that delivers systems to our supposedly diseased cells.

She also bravely claims, Bill Gates, who is linked to the Moderna vaccine is deceiving the American people when he tells them that the Moderna vaccine has a "trade secret" built into the vaccine. Karen believes the trade secret Gates is keeping hidden is actually graphene oxide.

Not only is graphene oxide poisonous to humans but it is also the main ingredient in hydrogel which is the AI template used in Elon Musk and Bill Gates's research into creating an interface between humans, the internet, or AI.

Guinea Piggs

The Covid vaccines are the precursor to creating a connection between humans, the internet with the incredibly powerful 5g interface, and AI which will eventually control our thoughts, memory, and lives.

Karen Kingston goes on to claim the first vaccines have been a trial, rushed through to test out how much graphene people can handle before it becomes toxic and lethal. The first vaccines are a dose-finding study people will be given a booster with more graphene every six months with the so-called, "top-up vaccines!"

Once the technology is perfected we can expect a phase 2.

The technology works using nanoparticle lipids which help deliver certain agents to a cell. The vaccines contain 4 nanoparticle lipids. Number 1 is cholesterol which travels easily through the blood, number two is a fossil lipid that adheres to the cell allowing lipid 3 to ionize a charge which penetrates the cell allowing lipid 4, the graphene oxide into the cell.

These lipids were created because mRNA vaccines are very unstable, however, the lipids create a protective biosphere for the unstable molecules. Graphene oxide is 4,000 stronger than titanium and can withstand temperatures of 1,700 deg Fahrenheit making a very unstable virus almost indestructible.

The pegylated lipid (peg) is made by a company called Sinopeg and is located in China.

According to Sinopeg, core-shell structure polyethylene glycol functionalized graphene for energy storage polymer dielectrics mechanical and electrical performances. This translates to you and me that graphene is in the vaccines because it is the best heat and electrical conductor and can store energy and is practically indestructible.

Given a positive charge, graphene can annihilate anything it comes into contact with. According to Karen the graphene is not charged and is neutralized.

It gets into the cell at the moment from lipid number three, the ionized lipid which provides a +charge for cell penetration.

If a magnetic field activated a positive charge it could potentially kill a person depending on how much graphene was in the body.

Why would they use such a toxic substance? Not because it has anything to do with curring you of an imaginary virus but because graphene is a fantastic conductor of electricity and can host its own magnetic field and could quite easily connect us to the internet where we would be under the control of a dystopian State and we could quite easily be zapped if we stood out of line. Blocked from shopping, working, healthcare, memory, and thoughts changed and zapped again for good measure.




Hawkeye said...

Good job Gary! I first saw this about 2 weeks ago posted online by another site, a video of Spanish (from Spain) doctors who have obtained a few vials of the Pfizer vac and took the liquid potion to a lab to have it analyzed to see what the ingredients are. They found graphene at about 98% purity in those vials.

To dissect this statement is to ask the question, why would they have to take the time to get the vaccine liquid analysis known? Apparently there are no ingredient inserts included with the distribution of these potions, that's why it had to be analyzed. So emergency approval status deletes normal procedures of law? No disclosure whatsoever, no ingredients, no listed adverse effects or side effects, and no informed consent. Nothing is given to any person who takes this jab and the really sad part is, no one even asks for any of it. They just roll up their sleeve because the media told them it was the right thing to do. That is telling right there and it is why we are in this mess, stupid people!

The past week in FL - USA, media is reporting a new surge in covid cases higher then any other time since this all began. They say 21k cases in one day, lol....ok! But on the flip side is, there are practically no test sites remaining to get these 21k people tested, so where was all this testing done to report these findings? There was no lines for a covid test anywhere I shopped over the weekend. So 21k people where did they go?

A good question to ask now with the new variant news of delta, is: what test determines it is delta? I've asked some of these vac distributors like Walmart, grocery store, etc., can I get tested for delta? They all replied no, they have no tests that tell if it is delta or any other said variant, the tests only say positive or negative for covid. So how then is CDC able to report a statement publically that the delta variant is now sickening so many more people....what tests determined that CDC? None in FL say they have that capability??
So, last week four of my vaxed friends all got sick. One of my clients also had to fly back home in emergency because his 65 year old mother, perfectly well but got the vac, suddenly dropped from a brain aneurism (brain blood clot) and she died. Then at another job yesterday the woman, vaxed, told me she was sick last week too. They all got sick last week, news says this past week has surged with new cases.....but they do not tell it was all vaccinated people.

Got to wonder about that. Was it a test itself? Think about that cause I dont feel like explaining it.
Graphene has also been reported to be in the trails all those planes are leaving in our skies.
If this pc connection is true and involved with these said vaccines, then the booster shots must be "upgrades", updates to the wireless connection because all pc related equipment must always be updated and or upgraded.
"If these days were not shortened no flesh would survive......" Christ must be coming very soon then! Amen and thank God!

I do not know anyone else but myself, who did not take this medical treatment called a vaccine. Based on that though a bit weak, I am well, everyone else who took the jab is sick. Just from the resident in the WH is: those damn un-vaccinated people are spreading this new variant and causing this new surge in cases. Uh excuse me sir but the opposite is what is happening here that I have seen so far. Not one person sick has had the thought it is because they took that jab.

Gary Walton said...

Thank you too, Hawkeye, is there only you and me reading this? The reason they can't test you for Delta is that it is 99.9% the same as the original virus strain, which is kinda not a new strain at all!

Stay safe and God bless xx

Christopher said...

Hi Gary and Hawkeye, I have been reading moat of your posts and as usual you are both on spot. I have a new job working 10.5 hours a day 5 days a week. Unfortunately I have to work all day with little if any down time. My apology for not posting more comments. Keep up the great work!

Anonymous said...

So, if a person has been contaminated with graphene oxide, what happens to that person if an electromagnetic pulse hits them? All current references to g.o. Speak of cell tower transmission power wattages at 4g, and 5g frequencies. A near by lightening strike would be a bit higher output, as would the output of an emp device.

Anonymous said...

The "delta" variant does not refer to the 4th in sequence. It refers to the latin delta (triangle) noting a change. So each of the 4 bazillion variants generated after patient zero, as designed by the gain of function programming, is technically a "delta" or -changed from original- variant. All is irrelevant since a vaccineis not physically possible for any covid bioweapon strain. Just read the definition of "gain of function".

Gary Walton said...

Hi Christopher, don't apologise, what are you doing for work?

Gary Walton said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So, if a person has been contaminated with graphene oxide, what happens to that person if an electromagnetic pulse hits them? All current references to g.o. Speak of cell tower transmission power wattages at 4g, and 5g frequencies. A near by lightening strike would be a bit higher output, as would the output of an emp device ... This------

Gary Walton said...

The "delta" variant does not refer to the 4th in sequence. It refers to the latin delta (triangle) noting a change. So each of the 4 bazillion variants generated after patient zero, as designed by the gain of function programming, is technically a "delta" or -changed from original- variant. All is irrelevant since a vaccineis not physically possible for any covid bioweapon strain. Just read the definition of "gain of function". Thanks.

Gary Walton said...

These are the Spanish researchers Hawkeye... Spanish researchers, La Quinta Columna, (biostatistician Ricardo Delgado and Dr. José Luis Sevillano).

Chriatiopher said...

Hi Gary, I am a Registered Nurse who is taking care of two profoundly disabled children in the same home. Each child should have their own nurse, however one of the kids lost their full time nurse and I am having to do the work of two people. I am not complaining I am just busy before work at work and after work. Thank God for weekends.

Gary Walton said...

Wow, respect Christopher, people like you are worth their weight in Gold normally but even more during times like these.

Anonymous said...

The Graphene Oxide which makes up vast part of you in-jection is conducts electricity and has its own electromagnetic field. Much research has been done by paperclip on frequency brain control, & what part of the brain response to certain frequencies and in what way. You are an experimental Guinea Pig if you took the Harpoon and 5G may activate you.

Anonymous said...

FEMA is performing a 30 minute test 5G to everyone's cell phones august 11.
I am taking the battery out of mine that day
Yes call me a conspiracy theories person
But we do know 5g messes with people's bodies
And the graphed oxide the injected many people with is dangerous on top of that.
It can move thru the body like an electrical line
Teleflorisous I think is the word
No I haven't been jabbed but I like you and many do not trust our government aka Biden etal
May you stay safe
It says the test will run 30 minutes on cell phones and towers and TV aka tell lie visions.

Even the CDC says watch out for zombie effects on their Web site
Never Fear – CDC is Ready
If zombies did start roaming the streets, CDC would conduct an investigation much like any other disease outbreak. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation. This assistance might include consultation, lab testing and analysis, patient management and care, tracking of contacts, and infection control (including isolation and quarantine). It’s likely that an investigation of this scenario would seek to accomplish several goals: determine the cause of the illness, the source of the infection/virus/toxin, learn how it is transmitted and how readily it is spread, how to break the cycle of transmission and thus prevent further cases, and how patients can best be treated. Not only would scientists be working to identify the cause and cure of the zombie outbreak, but CDC and other federal agencies would send medical teams and first responders to help those in affected areas (I will be volunteering the young nameless disease detectives for the field work).
There are all kinds of emergencies out there that we can prepare for. Take a zombie apocalypse for example. That’s right, I said z-o-m-b-i-e a-p-o-c-a-l-y-p-s-e. You may laugh now, but when it happens you’ll be happy you read this, and hey, maybe you’ll even learn a thing or two about how to prepare for a real emergency.

So be safe not sorry

Melly said...

Hey Gary, what a sinister plan to reduce the world population & control it with cell tower 5G waves that can destroy our bodies quicker. If there are no tests being conducted, how do they know if they have more new cases? It does not surprise me our world leaders, including our past and present leaders of US, would do this coordinated and nasty/sick genocide. God Bless us All, Lord come quickly. Amen.

Gary Walton said...

Amen Melly