Saturday 13 February 2021

A very powerful magnitude 7.0 quake has struck the Eastcoast of Japan just 90 km East of Fukushima. It comes just weeks before the anniversary of the March 2011 Great Honshu quake which killed 22,000 people and destroyed the Fukushima Nuclear Plant.


A very powerful magnitude 7.0 quake has struck the Eastcoast of Japan just 90 km East of Fukushima. No tsunami has been issued. It comes just weeks before the anniversary of the March 2011 Great Honshu quake which killed 22,000 people and destroyed the Fukushima Nuclear Plant. No apparent damage has been reported so far.

This week has been a remarkable week for seismic activity with a mag 7.7 striking Southeast of the Loyalty Islands in the South Pacific with a further 87 after and foreshocks with 6 of them being in the mag 6 reign and most of the rest mag 5+.

Today's major quake, mag 6+ bring the total in February to 12 and the total for 2021 so far to 24. It is early days so far but at the same time last year, a total of 20 major quakes had been recorded. In 2019, 15 and 2018, 16 and 2017 just 10 so we are having a big year so far for major quakes.

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