Thursday 23 April 2020

The first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza to occur in the United States since 2017 killed a flock of 34,160 commercial turkeys in South Carolina

Turkeys, credit Wikipedia

At a time of great distress around the world from a vicious, nasty coronavirus, another killer appears in the US for the first time since 2017...

34,160 turkeys lost in South Carolina avian flu case.

Nearly 1,600 birds died from the virus while the others in the flock were culled. The first case of highly pathogenic avian influenza to occur in the United States since 2017 affected a flock of 34,160 commercial turkeys in Chesterfield County, South Carolina, according to a World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) report. The case reported earlier by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)…

Animal Die-Offs 2020

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bob said...

Dear reader,
Not to take away from the avian bird flew, which was probably introduced to the turkeys by the global elite, to take away more of our food supply.Please go to your favourite search engine and type in " coronavirus predictive programming exposed! the spell was cast at the 2012 London olympics. Here in Canada I use " duckduckgo " They won't trace you, so they say ????? have a good watch. ( 53 min. )

Anonymous said...

Bob, thank you so much for the link to the video! Amazing stuff there. But I googled it, so now Big Brother knows!

jknbt said...

those are wild turkeys... commercial turkeys are white... I was in a turkey processing plant in the 70s when bird flu broke out... migrating birds carry it & infected the flock... the mortality rate was 50% of those who got it... fortunately the vet on-site recognized the birds were sick on the kill line & stopped the processing line. They destroyed all those birds. FIFTY PERCENT MORTALITY OF THOSE INFECTED, FOLKS!