Monday 2 January 2017

Tens of thousands of dead starfish wash up along the Dutch coast! "Dead starfish as far as the eye can see!

Dead starfish as far as the eye can see. Photo: Martin Kool

Tens of Thousands of dead starfish have been washed up on the beach near the seaside resort of Callantsoog, just 20 minutes from the home of The Big Wobble, the dead starfish stretch further than the eye can see!
Only those close to beach pavilions are being cleared up.
The dead sea creatures will be cleared from a 2km stretch of strand to stop the smell disturbing winter beach goers, Schagen council said on Thursday.
The starfish were washed up along several parts of the North Sea coast earlier this week.
Arthur Oosterbaan, of the marine research group Ecomare told local broadcaster RTVNH strong winds have stirred up the water and the low temperatures made the starfish sleepy and unable to stay on the sea bed.
They were then brought up by the tide.
Mass starfish strandings happen fairly rarely. In December 2014, an estimated 100,000 starfish were washed up on a beach in South Carolina.
In 2012, some 50,000 were stranded on an Irish beach. Full story Dutch News

Mass animal deaths



bamb1 said...

Methane gas escaping through fissures in the sea bed are causing mass sealife extinctions wordwide.

Gary Walton said...

Copy that, thanks, I read an article about this, you could be right but....Wouldn't that kill all the species?

julia said...

I agree completely Bamb1. This issue doesnt get discussed with the public unfortunately and the public is thus uninformed by these ever increasing earth changes.

Mark Gerrard said...

Have you not seen the Pacific ? Everything is dead..from Fukushima radiation - an estimated 98% of the Pacific ocean floor is covered with rotting flesh..

Loving Truth said...

It was an item on the news in NL, only to say that they would clean a part of the beach because of an upcoming people event... So much for respect for nature!
As for causes, how about nuclear radiation effects from Fukushima?
In Canada along the coast of British Columbia Dana Durnford of has extensively documented the death of the tidal pools, the birthing place of all life in the ocean.
Now the coast of California is completely dead and looking like it has been treated with sandpaper...
So yes, after almost 6 years of perpetual nuclear spewing in Fukushima the North Sea will show Fukushima effects as well.

Anonymous said...

it's happening here on the east coast of canada in nova scotia as well . started with herring for weeks / lately it has been starfish , herring , scallops , lobster ,etc . no known reason yet even after experiments have been done .....

GrayKat said...


Mark W. Jaycox said...

earth may be molting from within. Change cannot occur from the outside like a tenth planet otherwise the Moons position would be altered. The only escape from the inside out action the earth is about to perform is through time. Begin writing the real time to memory, 10,000,000,002,017.

Mark W. Jaycox said...

Time is like glass: put it up and look through it. Its magic is it is created just by writing it, 10,000,000,002,017.

Anonymous said...

Elder Sandman wrote:
"Re: Marine Life Kill in Bay of Funday: I believe that the tidal power generators are emitting or leaking electrostatic effects into highly-conductive salt water that is similar to electro seining (a method using electricity on rivers and bodies of water which stun fish temporarily, for the purposes of fish cencus) and that the stunning process is probably continuous as a result of leakage from the new experimental tidal generators installed in the Bay of Fundy. Another student relayed the same message. All we know the Turbines went in the water, and couple days later water life started washing ashore dead.

Anonymous said...

I think it is the huge rise in Ocean temperatures.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

There is also a major problem in Nova Scotia too but they're also seeing herring, scallops, clams... along with masses of starfish. The North Atlantic is in trouble.

Lenet said...

This was just because the water was cold and in combination of a storm the starfish could not hold on .And yes of course it's been cleaned.Do you even think about the smell?? they were dead ! This happens every so often.

Anonymous said...

Yeah,um,this happened like last week in Nova Scotia,this isn't a coincidence!

Unknown said...

We recently got hit with massive solar flares ..

Anonymous said...

possibly linked to ocean acidification due to rising sea temperatures combined with all the shit and chemicals we dump in the oceans, including nuclear waste!

Unknown said...

It would just take a short in anything electrical to kill so much. Two girls jumped off a pier, on opposite sides. One was electrocuted to death, the other wasn't. This has happened more than once, look it up...A short in an electrical pier outlet was the cause. Owners are cheapskates and don't repair what they own. Another very real possibility are cruise ships and whether their electrical circuits are all safe...if not, when they cruise by, they leave loads of dead ocean life. They should just stop cruising.

Rainbow said...

How about, a Bible prophecy come true?
Hear the word of the Lord , ye children of Israel: for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. By swearing, and lying, and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood toucheth blood. Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.
Hosea 4:1‭-‬3 KJV
We are in the END TIMES PEOPLE! We are just moments away from the Glorious Appearance of JESUS CHRIST! And all these troubles in the world are just signs meant to catch our attention and make us, ask the most important question, WHY?
Read New Testament, Matthew, chapter 24, Where Jesus is Talking about the signs of His Coming and The End of the world! So repent, forgive everyone and start living holy life, without which no one shall see God!
God Bless you all!

Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
Hebrews 12:14 KJV

Anonymous said...

All truth is parallel. What used to be our abundance of nature will soon be a scarcity of resources. And this is happening so quickly! ... for the price of man's technology?

jim hutchinson said...

Fukushima triple meltdown is undoutably the cause of the mass marine die-offs. Some people are daft enough to follow Fake News