Wednesday 1 September 2021

A timetable, A God Clock, A God Cycle! Around 1914, solar cycle 15 began, it began very quietly, but soon began to accelerate: It reached a maximum in Cycle19 during the late 1950s when our planet inexplicably began warming and natural disasters began increasing!

A timetable,  A God Clock, A God Cycle! It's the Sun warming our planet, not us. Credit NASA. 

I was dropping off. Lying in my bed, drifting into sleep when shock! I sat bolt upright! I had once again, fallen down the rabbit hole, as they say. Any chance of sleep was now gone, at least for now. I had been studying solar cycles, major quakes here on Earth, and Bible Prophecy all day long, at one point I was sooo bored I fell asleep in my office stool.

But when I went to bed, when I needed to sleep, ZAPP! A wake-up call! And here I am late at night writing when I should be sleeping.

What could be so important to drag me out of bed and embrace my computer at such a late hour?

A timetable,  A God Clock, A God Cycle! More accurate than the best chronometer money can buy.

Around 1914, solar cycle 15 began, it began very quietly, but soon began to accelerate, and ironically after the first World War. 

Solar cycle 15 was the fifteenth solar cycle since 1755 when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began. The solar cycle lasted 10.1 years, beginning in July 1913 and ending in August 1923, solar cycle 15 is the beginning of the "Modern Maximum." Solar Cycle. 

According to Wikipedia, the Modern Maximum refers to the period of relatively high solar activity which began with the Solar Cycle 15 in 1914 and encased many prophetic events, including WWI and II, the Spanish Flu, The Great Depression, and Israel's re-emergence as a nation, the Cold-War, the assassination of JFK and 9/11, and the collapse of the British Empire to name just a few.

It reached a maximum in Cycle 19 during the late 1950s and may have ended with the peak of Cycle 23 in 2000, as Cycle 24 is recording, at best, very muted solar activity. Another proposed end date for the maximum is 2007, which coincided with the financial collapse with the decline phase of Cycle 23......

A timetable,  A God Clock, A God Cycle? Click on the image to enlarge.

Solar activity has been linked to seismic and volcanic activity here on Earth and as a fledgling NASA acknowledged in 1958 our Star influences our weather here on Earth too, however, in 1914, seismic activity here on Earth was nothing to what it is now. 1914 recorded just 10 major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) for the whole year, which is nothing when you consider August 2021 has just recorded 19 for the month.

What happened here on Earth between 1914 to 2008 though is astonishing when dissected, analyzed, and inspected as I will endeavor to explain in this article below. 

Quite a few influential people claimed the world changed forever in the year 1914.
One of my favorite writers, George Orwell wrote in his book Coming Up For Air: "People living up to 1914 had something never prevalent again, ever, after 1914."
He also wrote, "before 1914 people didn't think of the future as something to be terrified of like we do now, and life was not softer then, on the contrary, life was much harsher."

"Yes, people, on the whole, worked much harder, more people were living in poverty but life was much better somehow." "It's like they had a peace of mind, a feeling of security, they didn't know the order of things could ever be changed and nearly everyone had a religious belief and went to church."

"And them boom, something changes the world, everything, forever."

It did, and right on schedule and even more incredible, we had been warned it would almost 2,000 years earlier.

Was there ever a moment in history when something happened, a “paradigm shift,” an important change when the usual way of thinking or doing something is changed forever and replaced by a new and different way which not only changed the world but changed mankind and also the way we thought or calculated a historical event. Well, of course, hundreds, probably thousands throughout the history of mankind but, was there ever a moment in time when a whole plethora of paradigm shifts happened, together, changing the way we even perceive our world - forever? 

Yes, the trigger which released this chain of events that led us to a ”brave new world” is embroiled deep in a conspiracy just as Pearl Harbour, the assassination of JFK, and 9/11. On the morning of Sunday, June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir presumptive to the Austrian - Hungarian Empire accompanied by his wife Sophie in a motorcade driven through the streets of Sarajevo which was then the capital of the Austro - Hungarian province of Bosnia Herzegovina and had recently been annexed by the Austrian - Hungarian Empire.

Earlier in the day, the couple had been attacked by Nedeljko Čabrinović, a Serb who had thrown a grenade at their motorcade in their first attempt at a ceremonial drive through the city. However, the bomb detonated behind them, injuring the occupants in the following car. Incredibly, after a short rest at the Governor's residence, the royal couple insisted on seeing all those who had been injured by the bomb at the local hospital.

As the motorcade resumed it drove slowly through the waiting crowds to the hospital, however, the “local driver” somehow made a wrong turn. As the cars backed down the street and onto a side street, the line of cars stalled. At this same time, a Serbian student called Princip who was waiting across the street with a handgun grabbed his opportunity and assassinated the Duke and his wife Sophie. How could this happen? Thousands of people lined the streets of Sarajevo to see the Duke and his wife yet only 36 policemen were on duty that day. The local Sarajevo police had been given the day off to celebrate St Vitus, a local holiday, and they were not trusted by the Austro - Hungarian military anyway.

No soldiers of the empire were present as they were on maneuvers. (Is this beginning to sound familiar?) The consequent investigation discovered ten assassins lined the route of the motorcade and there was much speculation the local driver had been paid to make a wrong turn on the way to the hospital. Why was Archduke Ferdinand even allowed to carry on with the motorcade after the attempt on his life earlier with the hand grenade, when so few police were there to protect them? It is a popular belief the Germans and the Austrians planned the entire episode to start WWI which is exactly what transpired.

Exactly one month later WWI began and opened a whole new chapter in warfare and how to kill our fellow humans. It is hard to imagine how one destructive action from a poor desperate teenager could bring the world to its knees and change it forever, causing an unprecedented global chain reaction, a chain reaction of such devastation that Jesus Himself would warn us all to prepare for, 2,000 years earlier in Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13.

That one insane moment caused an unprecedented global implosion which set off a chain of events that had never occurred in the history of mankind and is still reverberating around the world today. An escalation that our world has never fully recovered from and which set the trend in which we find ourselves today, nearly 8 billion people living on a dying planet with a society hellbent on the verge of destroying itself. 

Let's just look at the warning Jesus foretold around 2,000 years ago when he answered His disciples’ question, “when will these things occur?”

Jesus answered: for there will be wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for these things must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place and another. All these things are the beginning of pangs of distress. Matthew 24: 6-8.

In Luke 21:1, we are also told of pestilences and great signs and fearful sights from heaven. How does 1914 link up to Jesus’s warning in Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13? Let’s break it down.


German troops arrive in Blankenberge, Belgium in 1914, credit Wikipedia.

Wars have always happened since the beginning of time, great wars, all history is built on the back of wars and empires from the beginning of time, however, what began on July 28, 1914, and ended on the 11of November 1918 had never happened on such a scale before, no, not even close. For the first time in the history of mankind, a war so great had to be deemed a “World War, or the Great War.” For the first time in history, a “global war” erupted on the scale of what had never before occurred in human history. 

A war that saw millions of young men cut down by man-made industrial machines, chemicals in the form of mustard gas, and mega-size bombs. WWI butchered around 40 million people in just 4 years. History had changed forever, the direction of the world’s future had been altered, had the four horsemen of the apocalypse been released?.

More wars and food shortages.

While the world was still at war, one of the bloodiest of all revolts exploded, a war within a war you could say. In 1917 the Russian Revolution began, culminating in 1923. It is thought approximately 12 million people died during the Russian revolution, mostly poor people. Many died from famine. (For nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there will be food shortages and earthquakes in one place and another.)

There will be food shortages and pestilences. Matthew 24.

Pestilence! As the end of WWI approached, something similar to what our world is now facing descended on an unsuspecting public who were on the verge of celebrating the end of a devastating war; A new global pandemic systematically caught the world unaware. The Spanish flu, which started in the US killed tens of millions of people. It is thought as many as 500 million people were infected, one-third of the entire world population, and it is estimated more than 100 million died, more than double the number of people who died in WWI.

More Food shortages. As the world slowly recovered from the unprecedented deaths of millions from wars, famine, and pestilence the world took yet another hit, just ten years after WWI ended and seven years after the Spanish flu died off, the world was once again caught unaware. This time it was ‘The Great Depression.’ The Great Depression started in 1929 in the US but soon reverberated around the world, lasting until the late 1930s. Poverty and famine crippled much of the world's population.

Millions of jobs around the world were lost, hunger and starvation was the new killer, it is estimated The Great Depression killed around 120 million people. Wars In 1936 the Spanish Civil War began although half a million people died it was just a slideshow as to what was coming. By September 1, 1939, the world was at war again. The Second World War was even more destructive than the first. More sophisticated machines had been developed, airplanes provided a new horror, aerial bombardments which destroyed whole cities and after 6 years of bloody warfare, a new horror was introduced.

The US brought Japan to its knees with two “nuclear bombs” which destroyed two major Japanese cities and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent people in a couple of days.

Some estimates place the total number of deaths, due to wars and armed conflicts since 1914, at nearly 300 million! Others would say 500 million. More food shortages Food rationing was so severe during the two World Wars that millions of people died from starvation. During the first World War, the German people were put on severe food rationing after First World War the German economy imploded, a wheelbarrow full of money was needed just to buy a loaf of bread.

According to " The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror Famine," around 14.5 million people died of starvation in the Great Famine of 1932-33, also known as Holodomor. During the Second World War the Dutch people were so hungry they resorted to eating tulips while Germans and Russians along the Eastern Front died in their millions due to cold and starvation. The British people suffered food rationing well into the 1950s as a result of WWII.

The Great Chinese Famine is widely regarded as the deadliest famine and one of the greatest man-made disasters in human history, with an estimated death toll due to starvation that ranges in the tens of millions (15 to 55 million). Since 1914, it is thought more than 100 million people have died due to famines during the 20th and 21st centuries.

Luke 21:1. Great earthquakes in one place and another, great signs and fearful sights from heaven; As I write this paragraph on the 6th day of March 2021, a total number of 42 major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) have shaken our planet which is the highest number ever recorded in the first 65 days of a new year. The record number of major quakes have been accompanied by a plethora of volcanic eruptions and activities. To say we could be well into a record-breaking year of seismic and volcanic activity is an understatement. The record at this moment of major quakes recorded in one year according to data taken from USGS is 207 in 2011, the year of the Fukushima disaster and 204 in 1957, much of which I will cover later, when you consider, in the whole year of 1914, just 10 major quakes were recorded.

Back to Luke 21 Now, Jesus mentioned, “earthquakes in one place and another” and “great signs and fearful sights from heaven.” Indeed earthquakes did happen back then in the days of Jesus but He was clearly giving a warning to a future generation and that generation was most probably this one, the people living today, let me explain.

The average number of major quakes, mag 6 or higher during WWI and just after averaged around “15 or so a year,” not really a global threat by any means. Directly after WWI major quakes, (mag 6 or higher) began climbing to a peak of 74 in the year 1934 which was the yearly record of the 20th century at the time.

A whole 'lotta shakin' goin' on!

According to data from the USGS website, for some unexplained reason, the number of major quakes dropped drastically during the 2nd World War. However, something incredible happened a few years after WWII, a string of events that not only triggered the space race and resulted in the formation of NASA but also created the unimaginable idea of bringing the USSR and US space experts together on the same page smack-bang in the middle of a cold-war.

How could this happen?

During the ‘50s seismic activity suddenly and inexplicitly exploded around the world, just as Jesus had promised it would 2,000 years earlier. During the ‘40s the average number of major quakes (mag 6 or higher) per year was 35, however, in 1950 that amount suddenly spiked to an incredible 138, 100 more than the 1940s average but it didn’t stop!

The next year, 1951 the annual record was smashed again when 151 major quakes were recorded. In 1952 the record was smashed yet again when 181 major quakes (mag 6 or higher) were recorded. Then incredibly during 1957, our Star recorded a record-breaking number of sunspots in one year, our Star literally exploded with record-breaking amounts of sunspots, never been equaled since, delivering another prophecy from Jesus, “great signs and fearful sights from heaven.” And in that very same year, a new record was smashed when 204 major quakes (mag 6 or higher) were recorded. Our Sun went ballistic and our planet responded! See the graph below.

So Jesus and His prophecy were as always spot on, but hey, there is much more, we haven't even scratched the surface.

Was 1914 the year the "four horsemen of the apocalypse" were released? I surely don't know but in the time between 1914 and 1957, the year our Sun went "nuts" an enormous amount of Bible prophecy happened.

 On May 14, 1948 - when "the world" briefly felt sorry for the Jews and returned Israel to them and they were able to declare independence for Israel as a united and sovereign nation for the first time in 2,900 years. During that same day, the United States issued a statement recognizing Israel's sovereignty, a nation was born in one day just as Jehovah said it would be.

Rumors of wars:  The Cold War, World War III, Nuclear war.

Many people have compared 2020 and 2021 to the beginning of the seven-year tribulation period prophesied in the Bible. Well, let me tell you, it’s not even close. What has happened since January 2020, Covid-19, lockdowns, job losses, evictions, and social unrest is terrible but can be compared to a walk in the park when you consider what horrors soldiers had to undergo in WWI and WWII but even those events are nothing compared to what is to come during the 7 year tribulation period, most of us in the West can’t imagine what war is really like, we have been very lucky, almost all of us alive today missed WWII and there is no one alive who can remember WWI, our generation, have had it remarkably easy.

Now, we assumed in the last chapter, Jesus was indeed talking about “our generation” when he prophesied “earthquakes in one place and another” and “great signs and fearful sights from heaven,” mentioned in Luke 21:10, because both these things prophesied by Jesus happened together in 1957. But, is this generation, the same generation mentioned in Matt 24:22 - “If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened.? Well, we must be!

The great tribulation must be very close when you consider today, thousands of nuclear weapons are still available to five major nuclear powers: the U.S. Russia, Britain, France, and China. Add to that number the nuclear weapons of Israel, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and allegedly Saudi Arabia and possibly Iran. Now let’s throw into the mix the possibility that other rogue organizations, terrorists, or jihadists, for example, could have the technology to at least make a dirty bomb, the permutations are staggering. We can now destroy the world many many times over and everyone on it, so when Jesus says; “If those days had not been cut short, nobody would be saved.” He has to be talking about our generation once again.

Back to the 1957 explosion of sunspots and major quakes, what has that to do with a "God Clock?" Our planet began to warm! Not from us but from the Sun!

Well, folks, this is where our story really becomes interesting, because until now, I don't think, (except for NASA) anyone has joined the dots and crossed the Ts'.

If 1914 was the release date for the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse, then the 1957 explosion of sunspots and major quakes was the trigger for all our planet's problems today and I can prove it! It was unquestionably, the "END OF OUR BEGINNING!"

After 1957 our planet began warming, not because of human activity, oh no, because of our Star and NASA knew it!

More proof!

The period described above was solar cycle 19, the nineteenth solar cycle since 1755 when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began. Solar cycle 19 lasted 10.5 years, beginning in April 1954 and ending in October 1964. The number of sunspots witnessed on the Sun during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1957 (503), alarmed scientists so much at the time, that an International Geophysical Year was declared at the peak of this solar cycle to bring the Russian and US scientists onto the same page after the cold-war silence.

Curiously, President Eisenhower went on to authorize the opening of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in July 1958. The Space Race Began. Two days after the United States announced its intention to launch an artificial satellite, on July 31, 1956, the Soviet Union announced its intention to do the same. Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4, 1957, beating the United States and stunning people all over the world.

In 1958, NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, suggesting solar activity was responsible for fluctuations in our planet's weather. In the year 2000, NASA did publish information on its Earth Observatory website about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, revealing that the planet is, in fact, changing due to extraneous factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity. But this information has yet to go mainstream, see the report on Earth Observatory Coincidently, Milankovitch died in 1958.

The maximum sunspot number observed during the solar cycle was 503, on Christmas Eve and Day 1957 (the highest on record). Intense red aurora displays frightened people in Europe on 11 February 1958 and were visible from many US cities as far south as the 40th parallel. This geomagnetic storm caused a radio blackout over North America. Aurora displays were visible over New York on 13 November 1960 and 1 October 1961.

From 1957 on, our planet began to warm, seismic and volcanic activity began increasing, as did natural disasters and our wildlife began to die, slowly at first but increasing all the time, culminating into the unlivable hell-hole we are experiencing at the moment. A world on fire blasted from pillow to post by unimaginable sized storms, flooding, cold, heat, drought, you name it and of course, our ever disappearing wildlife and vegetation, we are now living on borrowed time, almost 8 billion people with a rapidly depleted food supply, see graph below.
Our World In Data showing the incredible rise in natural disasters since our Star went sunspot ballistic in 1957.

On January the 17th, 1961, in his Farewell Address to the Nation, the President of the United States, Dwight D. Eisenhower, a five-star general during World War II, tried to warn the world of future dystopian horrors when he first coined the phrase, "military-industrial complex," warning the US citizens and the world of the grave implications and threat from a powerful, out-of-control, military-industrial complex. Here is part of the speech below:  

“A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction... This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence—economic, political, even spiritual—is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the Federal Government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

England and America in Bible Prophecy.

Fifty-nine years ago JFK was assassinated, most didn't know at the time but it was the beginning of a paradigm shift for the Anglo-American super-powers. The old British Empire had all but collapsed after two World Wars and the US was embroiled in a cold war with Soviet Russia. The most powerful country in the world began to slowly crumble on the day of JFK's murder and has never recovered. This month they left Afghanistan sneaking away in the middle of the night with Joe Biden washing his hands of the Afghanistan people in one of the worst cowardly acts I can remember.

In 1965, just three years after JFK was killed the US entered the Vietnam war after a North Vietnam attack on a US military ship, sponsored by China and Russia. After more than 200,000 American deaths and injuries and the death of 250,000, South Vietnam soldiers and two million civilians. South Vietnam surrendered to the communists and America literally fled Saigon. The fleeing of Saigon shocked the world. The event marked the end of the Vietnam War and the start of a transition period to the formal reunification of Vietnam into the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

In the year 2001, the US along with their coalition of military allies invaded Afghanistan to oust the then de facto government of the Taliban after they refused to hand over Osama Bin Laden to the Americans who had been blamed for 9/11.

This month, 20 years later the Americans fled Afghanistan in the dark of the night handing the country back into the arms of the Taliban. leaving millions of people, especially women and kids in the desperate hands of the Taliban. The void left by the Americans will surely be filled by the Russians and Chinese once again. The latest, shameful act will damage America's already badly dented world image who's image of themselves is widely apart from what the rest of the world thinks of them. It is a shame.

But I'm jumping the gun a little bit, let's go back to the "Modern Maximum." and its peak in 1957. Another Bible prophecy was unfolding, no one really knew at the time but it is now as clear as day! England's mighty Empire, the biggest the world had ever seen had crumbled into sand. However, strategically it didn't matter on a world scale because our strongest ally, the US had become the World's first "Superpower." 

What we didn't know back then was, that just sixty years later the World's biggest military machine would not be cable of securing a runway in the middle of nowhere and defeat a bunch of Jihadi terrorists. The US is at this time a shadow of its former glory run by a weak administration besotted with problems. The country is divided and more often than not the ship appears rudderless. China is on the verge of becoming the new "World Superpower."

But all this was foretold, hundreds of years ago...

The prophecy in the book of Ezekiel, Chapter 38, is a warning of an attack on Israel in the future, from a group of nations led by someone called Gog,  who comes from Magog. Magog is said to be North West of the Caspian Sea, there are just two countries North West of the Caspian Sea, Kazakhstan, and Russia. Gog is the head chieftain, (leader) of Meshech and Tubal which according to Wikipedia is a Japhetite tribe. However, the Indo-European group is no longer known as "Japhetite", the Hamitic group is now recognized as paraphyletic within the Afro-Asiatic family. Among Muslim historians, Japheth is usually regarded as the ancestor of the Gog and Magog tribes. According to Delilah Ann Gill, Ghayin, (Hebrew) later shortened to G, is a twisted rope or a twisted dark goat horn thus it is:
Gog: Dark and Twisted:

Ezekiel goes on to say Persia, Ethiopia, and Put are among the coalition, Persia is modern-day Iran, (Iran's leaders despise Israel and would dearly love to wipe it off the map), along with Put, which is thought to be Lybia. In verse 8, Ezekiel mentions the fact, that after many years of being left desolated, the inhabitants of the land (Jews) have been restored to Israel and will be living in peace and security at the time of the attack. Part of this prophecy was established in 1948 when the Jews regained their land after they had lost it 2,000 years earlier, however, they are obviously not living in peace and security at the moment but just this month a surprising peace deal has been reached between Isreal and the United Arab Emirates, who became the third Arab country to make peace after Egypt and Jordan.

According to The Jerusalem Post, there are rumors that several other states could be next to sign an agreement with Israel. While there are hurdles to normalizing relations with some states in the Middle East, there are others who view the UAE decision as a trial balloon and will react positively based on how the next weeks and months play out between Jerusalem and Abu Dhabi. Those countries are as follows, Bahrain, Oman, Morocco, Saudia Arabia, (who are mentioned later as an ally of the US), and Qatar, so as you can see, Israel living in peace and security could be not very far away.

In verse11of Ezekiel 38, he claims, the coalition will invade the land of unprotected settlements to take much spoil and plunder. Ezekiel 13 claims, Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and its "young lions," will say to (Gog), "are you invading to get much spoil and plunder?" " Have you assembled your armies to carry off silver and gold?

Sheba and Dedan are what's now called Saudi Arabia and they are allies of Tarshish and its young lions. Tarshish is almost certainly the UK and was mentioned in the Bible as far back as Genesis 10. Tarshish translates to the "Tin Isles." Tin was needed in ancient times to make bronze, tin has been mined in Britain for thousands of years, something not mined in great quantities anywhere else in Europe. The “merchants of Tarshish and the young lions thereof” are the offshoots of Britain from their Empire days, the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Britain ruled the oceans and used its ships to connect the world with ocean shipping roots which are exploited today by its "young lions, " The mighty US among others. Full story 

What is interesting to note here is the fact that Israel's staunch allies of today, the US and the UK appear not to be able to defend Israel from the Magog coalition and merely ask Gog in a weak response, "are you invading to get much spoil and plunder?" "Have you assembled your armies to carry off silver and gold?" A polite, meek diplomatic protest rather than a threat of retaliation. Has the US lost its "Super Power" status in the very near future? Will today's problems bring the country to its knees in the near future?

The Tunguska Event

Back to just before solar cycle 15, I want to go back to 1908 which would be solar cycle 14.

On 30 June 1908, at around 07:17 local time, Evenki natives and Russian settlers in the hills north-west of Lake Baikal south-east Siberia, observed a column of bluish light, brighter than the Sun, the bright light was moving across the sky very fast. About ten minutes later, a massive flash with a massive explosion was followed by a sound similar to artillery fire. (why would it take ten minutes for a comet or meteor to reach the ground?)

The sounds were accompanied by a shock wave that knocked people off their feet and broke windows hundreds of kilometers away. The explosion registered at seismic stations across Eurasia and airwaves from the blast was detected in Germany, Denmark, Croatia, the UK, and as far away as Jakarta and Washington, D.C. It is estimated that, in some places, the resulting shock wave was equivalent to an earthquake measuring 7.0 on the Richter magnitude scale.

Over the next few days, night skies in Asia and Europe were aglow, with contemporaneous reports of photographs being successfully taken at midnight in both Sweden and Scotland. Hundreds of eyewitnesses speak of fire and columns of smoke, which is similar to how Jehovah guided His people out of Egypt as told in Exodus. Other witnesses claim two columns of fire emanated from near the Tunguska Body after it approached the ground, the two columns of clouds and smoke gave off rainbow-like bands of light, remarkably similar to the description of an angelic manifestation mentioned in the bible, in A Revelation To John, 10:1.

Other witnesses claim they saw a ufo or a cylindrical object. If this Tunguska event was the all-powerful fallen angel, the Devil, it would need a mighty angel to throw him down, Michael maybe? The explosion over the sparsely populated Eastern Siberian Taiga flattened 2,000 square kilometers (770 square miles) of the forest, yet the enormous blast, thought to be the biggest ever on our planet caused no known human casualties.

The explosion is generally attributed to an airburst of a meteor (which took ten minutes to reach Earth). It is classified as an impact event, even though no impact crater has ever been found; the object is thought to have disintegrated at an altitude of 5 to 10 kilometers (3 to 6 miles) high, rather than hitting the surface of the Earth. The Tunguska event is the largest impact event on Earth in recorded history. I must stress, the Tunguska event, being linked to the devil being thrown down to Earth is, just is a theory of mine, nothing more.

If you have stayed this far, then I thank you.


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  1. Thank you for sharing your 3 am thoughts.
    You did a really good job of going back and associating these events with dates.
    The earthquake graph, showing the large increase in events, is very interesting.
    Thanks for posting this. It is a lot to digest

  2. How did you know I was up at 3 AM?

  3. With all the fears, theories and actions of our over populated regions, it is safe to say, that the one thing we can count on are the sun cycles. Everything in this world has a rhythm and fluctuates with the moon, the sun ,the tides, and the human body. Everything now is on an irradic cycle either affected by climate, electromagnetism , El Nino\La Nina cycles, increased SST's, deoxygenated oceans, increase in higher levels of trans-evaporaton, increase\ decrease of sun spots activity, rise\fall of CO2 and inconsistent contributions from humanity, especially since the industrial revolution. I yearn for the days of a more simpler time. Everything seemed in balance and in harmony. Yes, there are many factors in today's world, but we just have to stay positive and adapt. Thanks Gary.

  4. This is very intresting and scary. I am a Christian and ready for the coming of the Lord but I hope we do not have to go through horror before He comes to get us. I pray peace for the World.

  5. Thanks for all the research. It is impressive.
    My personal thoughts are that the First Horseman of the Apocalypse has to do with the enigmatic organization or conglomerate that has authored the pandemic, lockdowns, maniacal push for a questionable mRNA treatment and masking, castration of the US, all that and more. That rider goes “conquering and to conquer”—unchecked, as has been observed. His crown? It means Dominion! The voting machine scam company. The bow may point to China. It may indicate hypodermics.
    Then comes the “plucking” of “the wings of an Eagle” from the “lion” in Daniel 7:4. The Anglo-American Alliance is broken. NATO seems broken, leaving a vacuum for the “bear” to move into.
    Then we will see what will be the effects of the Second Horseman, who wields a great “machiara”, a western-style sword of John’s day. Mayhem in a general sense or war. Either prosecuted by Western Powers or wrought upon the West.
    The third beast of Daniel 7 will be a 4-nation coalition or a coalition of four (Islamic-terrorist I think) organizations. Very possibly, one of the “heads” or perhaps all four are presently in Afghanistan/Pakistan region. One of these “heads” may be the “Little Horn” who will destroy three other “horns”—major things are going to come out of my country’s train-wreck in Afghanistan. What shame. What reproach.
    The “bear”, or Russia, will be chewing on three other nations—looking at the Baltic states—when he goes in force to the Mediterranean Theater.
    But the Great Beast, headed by the “Little Horn” will do what jihadists always do once they achieve supremacy, that is, trample and stamp down the cultures and peoples who are not aligned with Islam.
    And The Dragon will empower him. The Dragon of the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse is represented twice, once in heaven and once on earth. I submit that the second representation of the Dragon is China, commanded by Satan himself.
    The “two wings of the Great Eagle”, hopefully the United States, will rescue “the Wiman” from the jaws of the Dragon.
    What dread times we are seeing.
    Peace to all who love the Lord and His coming.
    May God remember that it was in pounds sterling that the Gospel was brought to the far reaches of the globe and that American dollars continued that legacy.

  6. Thanks for all the research. It is impressive.
    My personal thoughts are that the First Horseman of the Apocalypse has to do with the enigmatic organization or conglomerate that has authored the pandemic, lockdowns, maniacal push for a questionable mRNA treatment and masking, castration of the US, all that and more. That rider goes “conquering and to conquer”—unchecked, as has been observed. His crown? It means Dominion! The voting machine scam company. The bow may point to China. It may indicate hypodermics.
    Then comes the “plucking” of “the wings of an Eagle” from the “lion” in Daniel 7:4. The Anglo-American Alliance is broken. NATO seems broken, leaving a vacuum for the “bear” to move into.
    Then we will see what will be the effects of the Second Horseman, who wields a great “machiara”, a western-style sword of John’s day. Mayhem in a general sense or war. Either prosecuted by Western Powers or wrought upon the West.
    The third beast of Daniel 7 will be a 4-nation coalition or a coalition of four (Islamic-terrorist I think) organizations. Very possibly, one of the “heads” or perhaps all four are presently in Afghanistan/Pakistan region. One of these “heads” may be the “Little Horn” who will destroy three other “horns”—major things are going to come out of my country’s train-wreck in Afghanistan. What shame. What reproach.
    The “bear”, or Russia, will be chewing on three other nations—looking at the Baltic states—when he goes in force to the Mediterranean Theater.
    But the Great Beast, headed by the “Little Horn” will do what jihadists always do once they achieve supremacy, that is, trample and stamp down the cultures and peoples who are not aligned with Islam.
    And The Dragon will empower him. The Dragon of the twelfth chapter of the Apocalypse is represented twice, once in heaven and once on earth. I submit that the second representation of the Dragon is China, commanded by Satan himself.
    The “two wings of the Great Eagle”, hopefully the United States, will rescue “the Wiman” from the jaws of the Dragon.
    What dread times we are seeing.
    Peace to all who love the Lord and His coming.
    May God remember that it was in pounds sterling that the Gospel was brought to the far reaches of the globe and that American dollars continued that legacy.
