Monday 16 October 2023

The Dark Arts Of Military Build Up—An incredible 11 major quakes, mag 6 or higher have been recorded by USGS since Hamas attacked Israel just over a week earlier: However from the incredible spike only 7 may be actual quakes. Could the 4 'NULL' quakes be nuclear tests?


All data USGS

An incredible 11 major quakes, mag 6 or higher have been recorded by USGS since Hamas attacked Israel just over a week earlier, this is indeed impressive until we look a little deeper, or indeed a lot shallower!

Of the 11 registered major quakes since the attack, at least four have been registered as mining or null explosions.

NULL Explosions

I once emailed USGS to ask them what a 'null' quake was, and they answered probably a mining explosion . . . 

However, many of these 'null' quakes are registered thousands of kilometres away from land so this would have to be something else. An underwater volcano for instance, or maybe something a little more sinister, nuclear testing?

For example in early September 2017, the USGS reported a possible explosion, located near the site where North Korea has detonated nuclear explosions in the past. The USGS National Earthquake Information Center could not determine its type, whether nuclear or any other possible type. A 6.3-magnitude seismic event was recorded in North Korea that the U.S. Geological Survey says was a "mining explosion," in what may be another nuclear test. The USGS said on its website that the event was a "possible explosion, located near the site where North Korea has detonated nuclear explosions in the past." Some past seismic events in North Korea have been caused by nuclear tests. More from USGS here

If these latest 'null' quakes are being called mining explosions well then it's very hard to imagine mines 3,000km South of Australia and 5km under the Pacific, no, these would have to have been tests of some kind, or even nuclear perhaps?
As for the two 'null quakes along the Afghanistan/Iran borders last week well, I guess we will never know, however, there is a precedent!

On the 24th March 2023 at 04:46 UTC, a shallow and very powerful magnitude 5.6 quake struck the historic city of Khoy in northwestern Iran and was registered on the USGS website. According to the Seismological Center of the Geophysics Institute of the University of Tehran, the quake occurred at 06:46 a.m. local time at a depth of 8 kilometres. The latitude of the 5.6-magnitude quake was 38.412 degrees north and its longitude was 44.822 degrees east. Iran sits on major fault lines and is prone to near-daily earthquakes, however, this one just may have been a little different. Mysteriously though, just a couple of days later the mag 5.6 quake was removed from the USGS data page and replaced by the words 'null.' See the USGS map below.

1 comment:

Hawkeye said...

I'll bet those were methane explosions! Underground.....said to be mining "explosions"...seems to mimic where methane arises from.
Many times methane explosions can be mistaken for an earthquake. Our planet is releasing enormous amounts of methane every day which is a huge part of the warming issue and the need to treat that warming issue.
It's very public information if anyone cared to look it up. All those atmosphere damaging rockets we send up in the sky to monitor our earth's conditions are connected to gov web sites that allow public access to see for yourselves!