Friday 10 February 2023

A new letter from William Neu over the Catholic Church: Pope Francis, who is now 86 and not in the greatest health, according to the Book of Truth prophecies is to live to see the Second Coming of Christ. Francis, who is identified as the False Prophet, is to fake his death and be resurrected in likewise false manner.

Francis shaking hands with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, in front of Russian President Vladimir Putin, 10 June 2015

Dear Family and Friends, and readers of The Big Wobble.

I know this is redundant for those who have in the past opened my emails, but new folks are receiving this and so it should be repeated. Francis, who is now 86 and not in the greatest health, according to the Book of Truth prophecies is to live to see the Second Coming of Christ. Seek message #396 from this webpage - the information given in this message is why I say the Second Coming of Christ would be within Francis' lifetime. As an important heads-up, Francis, who is identified as the False Prophet, is to fake his death and be resurrected in likewise false manner. Should he truly die, then disregard anything I have sent out.

You will notice below that some message titles, in bold type, begin with "they," in proper context they would mean enemies of God. The message titles are not taken from the archive in sequential order. This is by no means an exhaustive list of important events to watch for, I advocate the reading of all the messages before making a personal decision on the authenticity or lack thereof.

*There are several Catholic priests receiving this email. I urge you to read the first message listed, which is highlighted below. The Book of Truth archive can be found here: messages can be identified according to accompanying dates.

"No man, no priest, no bishop, no cardinal, no pope, has the authority to rewrite the Word of God"
Sept. 19th, 2013

God the Father: "The antichrist is now ready to reveal himself"
the antichrist is to create a false peace in the state of Israel - in an "unlikely alliance" with Palestine
Aug. 7th, 2013

"The first sign will be that the Earth will spin faster. The second sign concerns the sun, which loom larger, brighter and begin to spin"

Nov. 12th, 2013

"I will create miracles all over the world to prove to the skeptics that it is I, Jesus Christ, Who has sent My prophet to prepare all of you for My Second Coming"
June 7th, 2013

"When they change the Sacrament of Baptism, they will remove all promises to renounce Satan for they will declare these references to be old-fashioned"
Aug. 5th, 2013 04:05 hours

Mother of Salvation: "Just as if a miracle has taken place, the false prophet will seem to rise from the dead"
(Francis will fake his death, so as to elevate his character, worldwide)
July 25th, 2013 18:52 hours

"The family unit, and the destruction of it, will be at the root of everything"
(a new type of ceremony to replace the Mass)
Dec. 23rd, 2012

"They will be asked to pledge their allegiance, through a new oath, to remain faithful to the Church"
(priests will be sent on retreat to be pressured to pledge their allegiance to a new world church. What they will not know is that their new loyalty will entail humanitarianism, paganism and the occult).
August 18th, 2013

"This vaccination will be a poison and will be presented under a global health plan"
Nov. 9th, 2012

Mother of Salvation: "Every single Sacrament will be changed beyond recognition"
(The meaning of the Holy Eucharist will be changed to mean a new communion - "a gathering of all people as one in the Eyes of God")
Sept. 5th, 2013

"They will present a new red book, with the head of a goat embedded within its cover, hidden inside the symbol of the cross"
March 11th, 2014

"They will convince My followers to adapt the Laws of My Church by holding a referendum"
(referendum will be falsified)
July 31st, 2013, 18:56 hours

God the Father: "The Credo Prayer, which acknowledges Who I Am, will be changed to honour false gods instead"
(in the changes to come, one of which is Jesus will be given a new title in the credo prayer)
May 26th, 2014

"Roman Catholics, will need to hold Masses in refuges or Churches of safety"
(Remnant Army, persecution, protection, etc.)
Nov. 11th, 2012 22:00 hours

"Masonry has infiltrated My Church, on earth, and soon the schism, as foretold, will create division and disquiet amongst My faithful servants"
(in my opinion this is well underway as Francis continues the predicted march toward a one world religion, all indicators, so far, are showing this progression)
Feb. 13th, 2013 11:20 hours

"The antichrist will create grants to entice companies, organizations, as well as charities, to work for his new one world trade centre"
(antichrist and his mark)
Oct 19th, 2013

"Very soon, Hell will be formally declared as a place, which does not exist"
Jan. 12th, 2014

"Many will not be strong enough to fight against abortion, euthanasia and same sex marriage"
Apr. 15th, 2013

God the Father: "I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date"
Apr. 1st, 2013

"The time for the comet to appear, of which I spoke, when people will believe that there are two suns, is close"
Apr. 6th, 2013 17:00 hours

God the Father: "Rise now, and accept My Seal, the Seal of the Living God"
Feb. 20th, 2012
(for Biblical reference see Rev. chapter 7)



Faith and Reason - "Full Speed Ahead with the Synod on Homosexuality":

Cardinal Pell - Francis' synod on synodality is a "toxic nightmare":

Taylor Marshall commentary - Francis and traditional religion:

Francis, what he thinks about homosex:

Francis and Martin - situation ethics corrupting the youth:


Fifteen minute cities - hunger games?:


A Morman believer (Glenn Beck) who was invited to the Vatican, has this to say:
blockchain recording (EU ESG laws):


Taylor Marshall commentary:
White House decorate for Christmas with satanic goat head:


No joke - vaccine fallout (Australian activist speaks):


Fr. Alar - National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception: - debunking myths - Apparitions of the Ukraine - Apparitions of LaSalette - Fr. Alar dissecting the history of Christianity


One World Government - updates:


Predicted to happen, with much more like it to come - read Book of Truth prophecies:

Thanks as ever Bill

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