Sunday 11 October 2020

Hundreds of thousands of mink are dying at fur farms in the US and Europe from Covid-19: Initial research shows the virus was transmitted from humans to animals, and so far has not seen any cases of the opposite.

Credit Business Insider

Thousands of mink have died at fur farms in Utah and Wisconsin after a series of coronavirus outbreaks. In Utah, ranchers have lost at least 8,000 mink to Covid-19 among the animals known for their silky, luxurious pelts. The virus first appeared in the creatures in August, shortly after farmworkers fell ill in July, according to Dr Dean Taylor, State Veterinarian of Utah.

Infections of mink have already been documented in other countries, including Denmark, the Netherlands, and Spain. In June, authorities in these countries gassed hundreds of thousands of animals, concerned that the mink could harbour the virus indefinitely, enabling infections to persist among farm animals—and potentially spread to humans according to Science Mag.

Initial research shows the virus was transmitted from humans to animals, and so far has not seen any cases of the opposite. "Everything we've looked at here in Utah suggests it's gone from the humans to the animals," Taylor told CNN. "It feels like a unidirectional path," he said, adding that testing is still underway. Utah's was the first outbreak among mink in the United States.

On Friday, Kevin Hoffman, a spokesperson at the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, told CNN 2,000 mink have died from the coronavirus at a Wisconsin farm as well. Officials have quarantined the farm, Hoffman said in a release, meaning no animals or animal products may leave the Taylor County premises.

Dr Keith Paulson with the UW-Madison Veterinary School Diagnostic Laboratory told CNN affiliate WISN that he noted "significant mortality in the mink" and that three workers there had recovered from the virus after displaying "mild to moderate clinical signs."

Other cases have been detected in the Netherlands, Spain and Denmark, according to the US Department of Agriculture. The USDA's National Veterinary Services Laboratories has confirmed cases of SAR-CoV-2 -- the virus that causes Covid-19 -- in dozens of other animals, including dozens of dogs, cats, a lion, and a tiger. Mink, which are closely related to weasels, otter and ferrets, appear to suffer similar symptoms to humans.

Difficulty breathing and crusting around the eyes are usually seen, but the virus progresses rapidly, and most infected mink are dead by the next day, according to Taylor. It's unclear what makes mink such a susceptible species, while others appear to be unaffected. The cluster of cases in Utah has spread to nine farms, but Taylor warns that "we're still in the middle of the outbreak." Each farm is under quarantine with only essential workers permitted on site. Farmworkers are being directed to use proper protective equipment at all times. The pelts from most of the mink that have died from the virus have been either contained and buried or incinerated. Taylor said that no pelts have left the state.

Animal Die-Offs 2020

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  1. PROPAGANDA on steroids is this supposed news report! It is the same load of inaccurate, inconsistent talk as all the rest of this virus has been. Here it is again and again and again...
    * The title reads: Hundreds of thousands of minks are dying from COVID19.....
    (But at the end it says 2000 minks have died....that's not hundreds of thousands, it is 2000. Inconsistant information.)
    *After the title, first paragraph first sentence reads: Thousands of mink have died (oh, I thought they said hundreds of thousands....??) ...thousands of mink have died after a series of CORONAVIRUS outbreaks. Uh....they just said in the title it was COVID19 that is killing these animals, but now first sentence says it was coronavirus. ..?
    * USDA's National Vet Laboratory Services has confirmed cases of SARS-Cov2 the virus that causes COVID19....but they just said it was coronavirus outbreaks???!!!

    So what is it? Coronavirus, covid19 or sarscov2? They are all different, not the same. Impossible as written!

    Then this propaganda news says: *everything we've looked at here in Utah suggests it's gone from humans to animals....
    *initial research shows (they just said suggests?) shows the virus was transmitted from humans to animals AND so far has not seen any cases of the OPPOSITE......but farms are under quarantine...??!! Why? No signs of the opposite means no transmission from animals to humans. But wait a minute....the birth of this virus back in Dec. 2019 said a bat with CORONAVIRUS was eaten by a Chinese guy who then got sick with a contagious DISEASE called covid19. But covid19 is a flu not a disease.

    What the f are they talking about!!???
    What the frig is the damn disease? Flu and or upper respiratory illness is NOT A DISEASE, it is either bacterial infection or it is a viral infection of which NEITHER is a disease, they are infections, infections are not diseases!

    How many more times do we have to read this nonsense that contradicts itself but brains are too incompetent to understand what they read? It irritates me to no end. It makes ZERO ,logical sense. AND, still there is zero evidence from science that any virus at all has been isolated. Frankly in addition to being irritated to no end, it is insulting and blatant spin talk BS, not by my opinion, by its wording in itself.
    In a court of law they would be laughed right out of a suit, kicked right out of the court room because none of it makes any sense, none of it has any evidence, and none of it is possible.

    Animals dont get disease or flu from humans, and humans do not get animal disease. Animals never get flu or common colds, NEVER EVER HAS THAT BEEN ESTABLISHED, NEVER!

    But kill everything, life is not wanted.
    That's all that is real, kill kill kill. Lie lie lie. Hate hate hate.
    Keep on publishing it so the devil can have his day guaranteed!
    This is science? They can have it! Get me out of this insane pos world! How do we do that?
    Sorry Gary, but this is just too much now. We are being demolished over insane illogical so called science FRAUD.
    People walk in a store and wear a mask. Then then exit and remove that mask, gather together no masks, go to open houses for real estate no mask. Go boating no mask. Only in stores are masks needed? Why is that? Is coronavirus....uh I mean I mean sarscov2, is it only in the grocery stores? Are they going to burn down all grocery stores next? Dont worry about other types of stores, they dont need to burn those down to kill the virus, they are going out of business and closing forever on their own because people do not know how to read!
    I have absolutely had it with this bull shit. Stop killing animals. Where is the damn proof of any of it? There is none. Yea, I feel betrayed and angry. Yea.

  2. You didn't read the report...( Infections of mink have already been documented in other countries, including Denmark, the Netherlands, and Spain. In June, authorities in these countries gassed hundreds of thousands of animals, concerned that the mink could harbour the virus indefinitely, enabling infections to persist among farm animals—and potentially spread to humans according to Science Mag)

    You say animals dont get disease or flu from humans, and humans do not get an animal disease. Animals never get flu or common colds, NEVER EVER HAS THAT BEEN ESTABLISHED, NEVER!

    You are wrong Hawkeye, viruses are passed around from humans and animals all the time, Avian flu, for example, is passed between birds and humans, Covid-19 is thought to come from bats. The 1918 Spanish flu came from pigs in America. You need to calm down and stop making wild accusations, you are losing the plot again.

  3. believe lies! When was the last time your dog or cat caught your flu or cold Gary?!! NEVER EVER HAS THAT HAPPENED!
    It is untrue. Avian flu and the 1918 flu and now covid19....coronavirus....sarscov2.....transmitted between spieces?? BULLSHIT! We have different DNA sir, did you forget that?
    Well some of us have animal DNA now from injecting those farce vaccines, but from God, not possible. He created man and animals with different DNA and infections or disease DO NOT TRANSMIT (JUMP) BETWEEN SPIECES! It is not me losing the plot again, the plot is lost with lies and I just point them out. I'm the only one who knows how to read!
    As far as covid19 goes, yea that's what I said, you lost my plot, read it again, "thought?" , no "said" to come from bats. But this report says impossible to be the opposite, written in context from humans catching this virus from animals! It completely contradicts itself one sentence after another.

    You are so wrong my friend, and the only reason these lousy 3 examples you post are even in your mind is because the media planted those seeds that completely contradict everything else in medical history. Because all those man made viruses were not natural and used just to create poison vaccines so brains will never again be able to think rationally as is the case with this propaganda made up nonsense that has NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER! None. Show the proof! There is none. But go ahead and post the evidence, the cause, the viral loads, the isolated virus tests. Do it can not because it does not exist! Well you go ahead and believe in this but that means you are not believing in God. I am sure there are others out there who do see my points and that's who I talk to!
    The 1918 flu came from pigs? Ha ha ha...good one! Gee why are we still not getting it then. We still have pigs. Covid came from bats, more laughter. It is ridiculous insane and has no proof! You get proof and then we will talk again. Maybe.....
    Media news is not proof. I want to see official medical test results, dates, viral loads, isolated virus results, real proof.
    Calm down? Ha ha. Wild accusations? What ever happen to healthy thinking? Now its wild accusations, conspiracy theory, blah blah blah......bullshit!
    If you eat a bad bat you get a contagious virus ?....that's a disease?....hmmmm, used to be if you are a bad cow you just got ecoli for 24 hrs which is NOT contagious, then the bad meat was recalled from the grocery store. But now we get a contagious virus with 3 names and it's a disease. Give me a break! It's all lies!!

  4. This is continued from my previous comment made an hour ago.....its called proof Gary!
    CDC document released 7/13/20 says: "since NO quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, (because there are none) assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA." That's written on page 39 of the CDC document at: https://

    That means, in very simple English, that there is NO PROOF the virus they want to force everyone to vaccinate against etc. exists!! Do you get that?!
    To prove virus exists you first have to isolate/purify it. Then you have to transfer the isolated virus in to the healthy host and prove it causes alleged symptoms. Those are called Koch's postulates. None of that has happened!!!
    Just one example of bona fide virus isolation detection processes.

    Now go get your proof proving it does exist and we caught it from an animal! are crazy! All you got is media propaganda with no evidence whatsoever and you say I make wild accusations? No, I read! I research before I speak! CDC wrote it. Your proof is written by BBC with zero credentials and or evidence of resources. You lose!
