Saturday 1 February 2020

Photo Of The Day: Mysterious Purple cloud appears over my house and moves from West to North: I'm sure it's not Aurora Borealis or Airglow can anyone tell me what it is?

This picture was taken last night by a photographer friend of mine, Patrick Sinot, it shows what can only be described as a purple aura above the houses the direction of the aura is West. Patrick sent me the photo's asking me if I knew what it could be. My first reaction was it could be Aurora Borealis as there was a small solar storm last night but then I realised Holland is too far South anyway to see the Aurora Borealis. My next thought was airglow, but when I checked, I realised airglow is red or green and not purple so, no airglow.

I live across a field from Patrick's house and my garden faces West, so I decided to check out the purple cloud my self but it wasn't there, it had moved almost 90deg and was now in the North, so I took some snaps of my own, not the same quality as Patrick's though, see below.

Someone jokingly suggested it was the Coronavirus. If any of you geeks out there can explain to Patrick and me what we witnessed last night we will be forever in your debt.

Photo Of The Day

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  1. Look into Purple Haze Clouds this might be it!

    1. Saw something similiar in a dream last night. It was connocted to the virus mess in China. Like it was representative of it's contagion method. By cloud.

  2. It's the purple people eater. ( 60's song )

  3. Plasma is correct. electrical Discharge between 2 bodies in close proximity

  4. Well Gary, they are spraying our atmosphere with toxic chems, heavy metals, and radioactive shit that we know of, surely there are other elements as well, or maybe it is just a freak reaction of all that producing their irredescent colors for us to see!? Soooo, you got purple in your sky, yes. In my library, the public government run library, I took out and read a book titled, " Ionizing the Sky". Fits your post here. According to the professional people who published that book, geoengineering also has the agenda of making the atmosphere a gigantic antennae! For all the wicked technology and most notably for military incognito radar purposes.
    This is the future! Purple haze fake weather, radiation rules and people dumbed down. Welcome! I want to go home now!! Lol..

  5. I agree with Hawkeye. It is worthwhile exploring the climate engineering reality.

    The best site I know is still E.g., 'over the horizon radar enhancement'

    This site also lists documents (US Senate, patents, military, NOAA...) so their info is built on a sound base of reality instead of speculation.

  6. Of course, every unexplainable event on this planet is Geoengineering according to you people, you are losing Creedence as a credible newsworthy source

  7. You might want to check out a couple of books..that could give you some more info.... Angels Don't Play This Haarp: Advances in Tesla Technology
    by Nick Begich and Jeane Manning
    Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth
    by Elana Freeland
    There's a lot going on that isn't 'in' the news.

  8. Hey Gary, if you're not interested in possible outcomes (geo engineering) just figure God did it and be happy.

  9. Haha, listen, If I broke wind and reported on the blog you people would say it was down to geoengineering! Seriously, take a step back and look at yourselves, madness on steroids...

  10. Purple clouds form after hurricanes.

  11. Hawkeye and Gary are correct, it is geoengineering but only because God is allowing it because we are in the end times.

  12. Volcanic ash can cause purple clouds as the sun filters through them. I live in Oregon, and the the jet-stream here flows from Russia/Japan, across the ocean and follows the coast from northeast of Alaska all the way down to California. About midway along the coast, the jet-stream has a strong push to the East.
    With the number of volcanoes erupting from the North and East, the volcanic ash is carried by the jet-stream not only where I live, but spreads out over a good portion of the USA. I even heard reports of purple sunsets seen in parts of Texas.

    1. I highly doubt there was a volcanic cloud at the corner of 3rd and spruce

  13. This is fantastic. Maybe people should look up more often. Here in the US West, has been following this for over a decade. Give it a look. Be open to things no one necessarily wants to hear.

  14. Maybe your answer can be found at

  15. yea, they call it 'photo-shop'.
    too many phony pics put up as real
    saw a vid on youtube here while back of a ufo by a city dude.
    kept screaming ufo -- nothing more than a bunch of cattle egrets flying in formation.
    people forget -- at least 98% of everything on the www is bs -- 1.5% is questionable.
    that leaves 0.5% we still have to figure out if it is really true.
    furthermore, it is a fact -- people love lies and liars which is why they believe most everything on social media.

