Sunday 26 February 2023

A Letter From William Neu With More Insight Into The Catholic Church: Book of Truth message—Wars will escalate, until the Great War is declared : "These wars will end in turmoil. Lives will be lost, but then the war in the East will trigger an even bigger war. When this war takes place, millions of lives will be lost. . .

The Catechism of the Catholic Church (Latin: Catechismus Catholicae Ecclesiae; commonly called the Catechism or the CCC) is a catechism promulgated for the Catholic Church by Pope John Paul II in 1992. It aims to summarize, in book form, the main beliefs of the Catholic Church.

Dear Family and Friends, and readers of The Big Wobble 

An astute person online pointed out to me entry #675 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which should be noted at this time. It is titled:  The Church's ultimate trial (entry #675 found on pg. 176 of copyright 2000 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church)

“Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the 'mystery of iniquity' in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh”


A heads-up (war in the East)
Book of Truth message dated March 4th/14 @ 17:00 hours
Wars will escalate, until the Great War is declared
*paragraph taken from message Mar. 4th/14 @ 17:00 hours:
"These wars will end in turmoil. Lives will be lost, but then the war in the East will trigger an even bigger war. When this war takes place, millions of lives will be lost. When all seems hopeless, the man of peace will appear and then the beginning of the end will be witnessed."

     full message #1065 found here:

                                                                     *      *      *

I have in a previous email included the Book of Truth message dated Apr. 26/13; this regarding "two stubborn and powerful leaders" with their nations at war. I am of the opinion this message is talking about the same situation as the above prophecy. In my opinion both would seem to be prophecy of Russia and Ukraine, as both nations are from the East and have powerful leaders.  

*paragraph taken from message Apr. 26/13:
"The antichrist will quickly bring about, with the help of the enemies of God, a war between two nations headed by two stubborn and powerful leaders. These wars will escalate and then will spill into other countries. When the threat becomes so serious that it begins to affect the most powerful nations, then peace negotiations will begin."

       full message #775 found here:


Another heads-up:
Russia and China seem to be joining forces (Book of Truth prophecy to watch - Feb. 19th, 2012):

*paragraphs taken from message Feb. 19th/12:
"The two allies Russia and China will join forces. This will happen as the beast with the ten horns rises to dominate their long-suffering innocent people.

The beast with the ten horns is the European Union, My daughter, referred to as Babylon in the Book of Revelation."
        full message #344 found here:


Does nature in Mexico know something is coming?:


Carbon Credits?:


Francis - the "god of surprises" at work again:


For your review - understanding more about freemasonry and its connection to sodomy:


A short report of a Big Story. The St. Peter Basilica is no longer used for Mass:


Pfizer executive foolishly boasting (scroll down a bit to find video if desired):


Watch out - Pfizer:


Francis - gay rights


Francis - heresy again:


Timothy Gordon - "Pope calls for interwinding of all religions" (about half way through the video you will have the gist of Gordon's conversation, its good information to know, as Francis appears to be in lockstep with the Book of Truth prophecies, so far):


Francis is shown to support communism


New World Order Francis - Dr. Taylor Marshall (short video)


Benedict XVI's private letter: the time for the antichrist is now - Dr. Taylor Marshal:


Priest says he returned from death after having visited Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven. Now in healing ministry:


Cancelled priests - "shadow church":


The Introduction - dog, mama cat and kitten:


Australian activist suggests - pushback on World Health Organization's global pandemic treaty:




Jordan Peterson - extra carbon seeming to be greening the deserts:


Cardinal Sarah offering short statement with profound effect on recognizing Who is Present:


Klaus Schwab: (very short video about long term control of the world via the mastering of technologies)

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