Thursday 2 April 2020

So what caused our sun to go ballistic on Christmas 1957: Was it the modern day version of the tower of babel: We will never know but was Xmas 1957 the beginning of mankinds demise

The Earth will never die but this system of things surely will. What caused our sun to suddenly go ballistic on two days in 1957?

Sixty years ago, on April 1, 1960, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) launched TIROS-1, the world’s first successful meteorological satellite. It was a great success for the fledgeling NASA which had been formed on July the 29th after the former Soviet Union launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite to be successfully placed in orbit around Earth on October 4, 1957, which, resulted in the space race between the USA and the Soviet Union. That is the official story, however, the true story is shrouded in intrigue and mystery.

Two months after Sputnik 1 was launched an event on our Sun occurred which left the science community at the time very worried. The USSR launched Sputnik 1, their first artificial satellite in space on October 1957, followed by Explorer 1, on January 31, 1958, the first satellite launched by the United States. However, a month earlier, something happened on our Sun on the 24th and 25th of December 1957 which defies logic, defies physics and science to this day, our Sun went crazily ballistic. The story begins with a report from SAO/NASA data system (ADS). Thomas Cragg wrote: 
During 1957, observations of the Sun were made at Mount Wilson Observatory in Washington on 310 days of that year. Not since 1941 have solar observations been possible on as few days in one year as in 1957 because of cloud cover. 
The total number of sunspot groups observed at Mount Wilson in 1957 was 855, the largest number ever observed in one year. The previous record was 633 in 1947.
SAO/NASA data system (ADS) claimed, "without question, we are witnessing the greatest sunspot activity ever recorded." SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS).
The period described above was solar cycle 19, the nineteenth solar cycle since 1755 when extensive recording of solar sunspot activity began. Solar cycle 19 lasted 10.5 years, beginning in April 1954 and ending in October 1964. The number of sunspots witnessed on the Sun during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1957 (503), alarmed scientists so much at the time, that an International Geophysical Year was declared at the peak of this solar cycle to bring the Russian and US scientists onto the same page after the cold-war silence. Curiously, President Eisenhower went on to authorise the opening of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in July 1958. The Space Race Had Began. Two days after the United States announced its intention to launch an artificial satellite, on July 31, 1956, the Soviet Union announced its intention to do the same. Sputnik 1 was launched on October 4, 1957, (just two months before our Sun went ballistic,) beating the United States and stunning people all over the world. In 1958, during the Explorer 1 launch,  NASA first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, suggesting solar activity was responsible fluctuations in our planet's weather. In the year 2000, NASA did publish information on its Earth Observatory website about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, revealing that the planet is, in fact, changing due to extraneous factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity. But this information has yet to go mainstream, see the report on Earth Observatory Coincidently, Milankovitch died in 1958. The maximum sunspot number observed during the solar cycle was 503, on Christmas Eve and Christmas  Day 1957 (the highest on record). Intense red aurora displays frightened people in Europe on 11 February 1958 and were visible from many US cities as far south as the 40th parallel. This geomagnetic storm caused a radio blackout over North America. Aurora displays were visible over New York on 13 November 1960 and 1 October 1961.

What caused the sun to go ballistic on Christmas Eve and Christmas day 1957 we will never know, however, the date is significant in many topics tearing the scientific world apart today such as the Milankovitch Climate Theory, revealing that the planet is, in fact, changing due to extraneous factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity, while other scientists today claim our climate is warming due to human activity and their use of co2.

Other factors though, occurred around the late 50s early 60s which are truly astounding. For instance, graphs showing natural disasters suddenly spike and continue to rise in 1960, the same happens to major earthquakes, Tornadoes, volcano eruptions and yes the rise in global temperatures. TBW  and TBW and TBW Below is the so-called global warming hockey stick, look at the date the temperature begins to rise!

So what caused our sun to go ballistic on Christmas 1957, was it the fact that just two months earlier the Russians had launched Sputnik 1? Did Jehovah think, 'enough is enough'? Why would I say that? Because it has happened before.

The Tower of Babel narrative in Genesis 11:1–9 explains why the world's people now speak different languages. According to the story, a united human race, led by Nimrod, a warrior against God, in the generations following the Great Flood decided to build a tower up to the heavens so as to become equal with Jehovah. In Genesis 11: 6 The LORD said, “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them., observing their city and tower, He confounds their speech so that they can no longer understand each other, and scatters them around the world. The tower was never built. Did the launch of Sputnik 1 anger Jehovah once more, just as Nimrod? We will never know of course but the world has appeared to enter terrible times since then.

Another example is the time Noah was given to build the ark, Jehovah decided between 75 and 50 years would be given for him to build his ark before God would destroy the Earth. Are we now on a similar countdown? 2020 has come with a big shock, how many of us can claim we saw the covid-19 pandemic coming? The fantastic Aussie fires we have already forgotten, the Bible says end days would be cut short or no person would be saved, have any of you stop and thought just how fast 2020 is going? Stay safe folks.

Space Weather 2020

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  1. It's because of your website that I have learned about global warming from the sun. Is it not possible that increasing temperatures > increased vegetation > increased animals > increased CO2 output by animals.

    If valid, then the increase in animal populations must end up producing more CO2 than the increased vegetation can clear out in order to explain the imbalance.

    I would venture that it eventually gets hot enough to kill vegetation > starve animals > decrease levels of CO2.

  2. It is already killing our oceans, animals and insects Larry

  3. Looking at the graph that says look when temps began to rise, is the period between 1940-1950. What else happened in that time period? I understand the sun has influence over the earths systems, but, it is not our GW cause. Yes the planet normally warms and cools in noticeable cycles, but the sun is only contributing to our disruptive climatic system today intermingling with GW because our atmosphere is not working as created!!! Think! Warming and cooling trends have been greatly accelerated by man, this now is not a natural trend.

    The proof of my opinion is in the extreme UV readings reaching the ground. IF our atmosphere was intact and operating as it should, we would NOT be seeing the extreme high UV readings we are witnessing. So that is why that propaganda sun theory is believed. Because a broken atmosphere is not included in the sun theory!

    The UV scale is this: UVA, UVB, UVC, XRAY.
    Four steps, we know we have UVB coming through because sunscreen lotions tell us that on every label of their lotions. So that is and has been the case for many years. That equates to being half way through the UV scale already and for at least 15-20 years. There are recently reports of some geographical areas on the planet reading UVC! Hello!!!!! Next step is XRAY.
    That is ocurring not from sun spots, not from solar storms, from man! Man broke our atmosphere, can't put it back together, and is lying to everyone about reasons for GW.
    Now, go back to my first paragraph, what else happened between 1940 & 1950???!!!!
    The atomic age was born. The first nuclear bombs ever were dropped buy USA on Japan. That's what! 1945, smack dab in the middle of those ten years.
    There is information out there surrounding EnolaGay (the plane that carried and dropped that horrific nuke) that says, ' after that bomb was deployed is when scientists first began to notice an accelerated temperature increase ocurring'. AKA, the warming.

    If you compare this fact to the sun theory of this subject matter, ask yourself which one really adds up and makes the most sense?! Then remember after that infamous date how many more nuclear bombs were created and tested on our atmosphere? I rest my case if you can remember that testing went on for over a decade and included approx 2000 nuclear bomb detonations.....tests?....because insane brains belonging to government sources and scientists simply wanted to know what would happen after such deployments. Is it me or is 2000 test tries to 'see what happens' anywhere near normal curiosity? One or two should have answered the curiosity in any normal mind, but not those nut jobs, no, they needed 2000 times to see oh my, we have blown holes in our atmosphere and now the suns harmful radiation is seeping through abnormally!

    What happened next? Same exact time period, geoengineering was born! These are facts that make sense. And as far as God being angered by our sick and twisted mind sets here on earth similar to Babel, well just spell EnolaGay backwards and you have your answer that I see as a clear sign the answer to that being absolutely yes He was discussed and told us exactly that.
    Enola-gay / alone ya g(o)! He was not with us on that flight and there is your proof. There is your cause, not the sun!!

  4. Interesting comment Hawkeye and I'm sure the bombs had a terrible impact on our atmosphere but you are forgetting one very important point and that is the 504 record number of sunspots on our sun during Christmas in 1957. These sunspots were not caused by nuclear bombs here on Earth. ( The number of sunspots witnessed on the Sun during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1957 (503), alarmed scientists so much at the time, that an International Geophysical Year was declared at the peak of this solar cycle to bring the Russian and US scientists onto the same page after the cold-war silence.

    Curiously, President Eisenhower went on to authorise the opening of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in July 1958. The Space Race Had Began) It is during the space race, (which originally was to find out what had caused the massive amounts of sunspots on the sun) NASA in 1958 first observed that changes in the solar orbit of the earth, along with alterations to the earth’s axial tilt, suggesting solar activity was responsible fluctuations in our planet's weather.

    In the year 2000, NASA did publish information on its Earth Observatory website about the Milankovitch Climate Theory, revealing that the planet is, in fact, changing due to extraneous factors that have absolutely nothing to do with human activity. But this information has yet to go mainstream, see the report on Earth Observatory Coincidently, Milankovitch died in 1958. The maximum sunspot number observed during the solar cycle was 503, on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1957 (the highest on record).

    It is clear to see on the graphs I keep posting that global warming, a rise in major quakes, natural disasters and volcanic activity all began increasing after 1957 and not before, sorry Hawkeye all my evidence points to Christmas 1957 and the incredible, record-breaking number of sun spots is responsible not only for the speedy formation of NASA, the space race but global warming as well, thanks for your imput.

  5. If the hypothesis of > animals > CO2 is valid, then we should shortly see a decrease in CO2 because of a decrease in animals. Nothing wrong with the idea that man is contributing to global warming.

    Decades ago I scoffed at my mom for saying that the "weird weather" was the result of rockets piercing the atmosphere. Recently I have read about evidence that the tons of crap the rockets leave actually cause serious degenerative effects on our atmosphere. What a delicate living thing when viewed from outer space. Our negative influence on our critical atmosphere can easily cohabitate with the idea of global warming beyond our influence - worsen, and accelerate it.

  6. Here you go, Larry...Millions of tons of toxic particulates thrown into the atmosphere during the last 60 years
    The number of sunspots witnessed on the Sun during Christmas Eve and Christmas Day 1957 (503), alarmed scientists
    Rockets punch a hole in the ionosphere dumping massive amounts of particulates into our atmosphere
    Harry Wexler warned in 1962 that rockets are burning holes in the ionosphere, destroying the ozone layer, and modifying weather on a global scale
    He warned chlorine and bromine were destroying the ozone eventually disrupting the jet stream which in turn would cause world-wide weather chaos such as we are witnessing today.
    Global temperatures begin to rise in the early 60s

    Millions of tons of toxic particulates thrown into the atmosphere during the last 60 years

    Every time a space shuttle was launched, the solid rocket boosters released 240 tons of HCl gas, 26 tons of chlorine gas, 7 tons of nitrogen dioxide gas, and 304 tons of aluminium oxide into the atmosphere. The resulting hydrochloric acid dissolved eight inches of concrete on the launch pad during a Space Shuttle launch, raising the concentration of hydrochloric acid in nearby lakes to 3 M, producing massive fish kills in the ocean, and destroying the paint on cars. Leading chemists to believe that HCl is a major contributor to the holes in the ozone layer. SCRIBD

    The Space Shuttle made 135 space flights during its 30-year career, which is more than 41,000 tons of aluminian oxide 3, 510 tons of chlorine gas, 945 tons of nitrogen dioxide gas and 32,400 tons of HCI gas thrown into our atmosphere and that is just the Space Shuttle, throw in Gemini, Apollo and Saturn missions etc, the Russian Space exploration, India and China, the thousands of satellites launched into space, thousands of sounding rockets, (NASA's airborne researchers) add to this more than 2,000 nuclear weapons tests and you begin to imagine the damage mankind has done to our atmosphere, the ionosphere and the ozone layer

    The firing of rockets into space coincided with an event on our Sun which left the science community at the time very worried. The USSR launched Sputnik 1, the first artificial satellite in space in October 1957, followed by Explorer 1, the first satellite launched by the United States. A month earlier, something happened on the 24th and 25th of December 1957 which defies logic, defies physics, our sun went ballistic. The story begins with a report from SAO/NASA data system (ADS). Thomas Cragg wrote:

  7. Hi Gary! I am not disputing the numerous amount of this ONE day in history example. What I'm saying is that too many sunspots or large solar storms would not have effected us on the ground as said IF our atmosphere was in tact and able to absorb or deflect the oncoming energy that was released and flying through space at earth.
    Minor amounts of solar stuff may have made it through a strong healthy fully in tact atmosphere, but nothing like what did happen.
    Today, every solar storm blasting out radiation energy toward earth is troubling, ONLY because the atmosphere cannot contain, dismantle and or deflect it from reaching the ground.
    That is a fact and so the sun is NOT causing us GW. We have GW for many reasons combined but ALL are negatively effecting us because our shield, the atmosphere, is damaged!
    Why is that so hard to understand? You are basing decades of issues on one day 70 years ago. Sorry my friend, it is you who are mistaken but your getting there!
    You do see the hole theory from rocket blasting through the atmosphere. Well then you are validating my observation on a cause.
    Thank you too! Enjoy the conversation!

  8. Thank you guys! I be a-thinkin' that learning about tons of chemicals in the atmosphere from rockets - probably came from reading your article! lol

  9. Wild animals have begun moving into cities as people remain in lockdown around the world. Peacocks stroll the streets of Ronda, Spain; a gang of goats wander around a seaside town in North Wales; a puma climbs down from the Andes Mountains into Santiago, Chile; and coyotes trot around San Francisco.
