Sunday 17 November 2019

Electropollution, electrosmog, the new “demon” 5G cell service and the bad biological effects of non-ionizing radiation: A new warning from our friend in Alaska

William Laughing-Bear, a retired military veteran and The Big Wobble's friend in Alaska

Dear Gary and Readers of The Big Wobble,

 While driving back to my cabin Tuesday the 29th of October I spied, much to my surprise while turning off the highway onto the side road that leads to my cabin, the piercing flash of a strobe light atop a new cell tower. Where did that tower come from? I made a call and was informed it had gone up the day before. I was not pleased, as it was just one more of many now in my part of Alaska. My guess is that it is to ready us for that “demon” 5-G cell service. And to make matters worse, it is much too close to my cabin to not bathe me in the bad biological effects of non-ionizing radiation, as my GPS location check confirmed. 

 With this type of energetic air pollution, there are many causes for concern. For instance, it is known that both single and double-strand DNA will break down due to these cell phone frequencies. While single strand at times can heal, it is thought that double-strand DNA breaks will not repair and can lead to genetic mutations.

 Other problems such as poor memory and concentration, delayed reaction times, headaches, lower levels of both melatonin and serotonin, anxiety, chronic pain or pressure in the chest, shortness of breath, nausea, dizziness, blood pressure problems, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, and tinnitus are very common. Would this explain why all this month I have been battling nausea, dizziness, concentration problems, tinnitus, and oh yes - a migraine? 

 Not bad enough, let’s throw in the likes of Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, birth defects, red blood cells sticking together or deforming in what is called bottle capping, ADD/ADHD in children, reproductive problems, skin disorders, Parkinson’s Disease, and Autism.

 Let’s just list a few of the cancers that come from this Electropollution, which is odourless, colourless, and invisible. Well, we have breast cancer EVEN IN MEN, brain, Leukemia, thyroid, uterine, larynx, colon, pancreas, Leiomyosarcoma, Multiple Myeloma, Polycythemia Vera, Burkitt’s Lymphoma, prostate, and there are even more cancers I could list that are tied to this killer!

Oh yes, if you have medical implants like cardiac pacemakers/defibrillators, infusion pumps for diabetics, neurostimulators, hearing aids, spinal stimulators, or an artificial heart they are often scrambled by cell towers or the cell phone. No wonder the W.H.O., “World Health Organization”, has stated that R.F., “Radio Frequency”, is a potential human carcinogen. I have not listed all the known health problems tied to cell towers, there are many more!

Now I realize that most are not as I am, that of being 2%-6% of the world’s population, who battle Electro-Hypersensitivity as a functional impairment. But even though the majority are not like us proverbial canaries in a coal mine, all can be affected by one or more of the above-listed health issues! And as far as I can tell a cell antenna is not a necessity for life like clean water, air and food.

If you live near a cell tower you need to realize that it is producing a constant radio frequency around the clock. It will boost higher when somebody is calling for that system to function. So when somebody makes a cell phone call they increase the Electrosmog for all living near the tower. Thus you get higher spikes. And please remember that even if nobody is using it, the cell tower is still pulsing out death!

Since the FCC is not going to force the cell industries to re-think and re-work their technology because the health problems of the non-thermal effect standards would hurt their pocket, what can one do?

One needs to create a field-reduced home. How to do that? 
  1. Sleep under an electromagnetic wave-reflecting tent known as a faraday canopy.
  2. Repaint the interior and exterior of your home with EMF shielding and conductive paints. I looked into buying five gallons of shielding paint and was informed that if it was frozen in transit to Alaska it would be of no use, yep – it’s winter here, Ya! Products made with silver, nickel, carbon, and copper can be mixed in with regular paints and then after they are applied to be recovered with something more aesthetic such as wallpaper, regular paint, or wood.
  3. Shielding garments, gloves, and hats can be purchased or made, as shielding fabrics are available.
  4. Shielding blankets and sheets are a massive help.
  5. Window films can be applied to help block cell signal and there are RF curtain shields.
  6. While you’re at it you can buy shielding for your cell phone, smart meter, computer and TV screen, router guards, signal tamers for routers, and radiafence, which creates a radiation shadow where you need one.
  7. Keep the metals on your body at a minimum. Jewellery, hair barrettes, metal-framed glasses, belt buckles (especially large, heavy ones), pocket and hunting knives, watches, underwire bras with actual metal in them, clothing with metal buttons and zippers, metal in any type of furniture. Do not use your cell phone for an alarm. It should not be in the same room where you sleep. Keep your wi-fi shut off at night  For additional safeguards, visit
  8. An unsuspecting danger is tattoos. Many tattoo inks contain heavy metals that have been linked to a large number of health problems, including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.
  9. Or you can do as I am and just move. You see it is not just about me but my Siberian dog team, they’re my family! This same killer devastates animals as it also destroys insects and plants.

I would suggest you watch the movie Full Signal, The Hidden Cost of Cell Phones by Talal Jabari and the film Take Back Your Power, Investigating the “Smart Grid” by Josh Del Sol. At times like this Aldous Huxley’s words ring loud: “Facts don’t cease to exist just because they are ignored.” 

That’s it from Alaska for now (dictated to Mom because my photosensitive epilepsy prevents me from looking at a computer screen). Thanks for your help, Mom!

Bill Laughing-Bear